unknown // 10 - Time's Up.

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noah pov

Ever since the locker room talk, I hadn't seen Summer. She disappeared yesterday and we're all worried about her. Miss her. Want to see her.

Richelle was pacing up and down with Finn, Kingston and Kenzie whilst I was standing with the others. We had become the opposite of friends now. My fault though. I really want to fix things.

"She's okay." Emily said, walking into Studio A. Nor had we seen her yesterday either. Soon enough, Summer walked in. She had a bandage on her arm but I suppose it wasn't any if our business as to what it was for. That's all her. Richelle ran up to her and hugged her. She hugged back, a small smile upon her face.

I'm regretting everything I did to her. She deserved better than this. However, Amy kissed me. Jacquie kissed me. I never actually intended to kiss any of them. This unknown person really wants to get me in trouble and I'm not down with that.

Summer got back into rehearsal. Only she was wearing leggings as opposed to shorts like she usually wears. Like she first wore with the uniform. I remember those times.

'...I have confidence in Summer."

'Did you see THAT?'
'Sum- Summer, Summer..'

'See you later.'

I stumbled as it all came back to me in a flash. I don't have feelings for Richelle, nor Amy, nor Jacquie - I still like Summer. Oh what was I thinking? She was never going to give me another chance. Especially after how bad it's made us all look with someone posting it all over. Nothing is ever kept private. "N-noah.. are you okay?" a slightly shaky voice asked. Her hand on my shoulder, being very sincere. "No. I made a huge mistake."

Looking up, I realized it was Summer. She was the first person to check on me, even after everything. That's what I love most about her. How she puts the past behind and still does what's best. Not personally, yet, out of goodness. We had been apart for a bit now. "I-It'll be okay." her voice was still sounding frail but that didn't matter at this moment in time. "I-It's not. I've ruined everything." "N-no you haven't." she pulled me into a tight hug. The embrace was a decently long time. I can't believe I've caused such a thing. She doesn't deserve this. How do these videos even get around?!

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