Chapter 4

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Let's just hope everything goes well.

Marybella's POV:

When I got home I had dinner with my parents. I told them how I finally have a friend and that I met her family. They asked me her name and I said Rydel Lynch. Then all of a sudden my parents faces went from happy to shocked to scared. I got worried and curious why my parents' faces changed so fast. I went up to my room and started texting Rydel since we exchanged numbers early today.

Text Conversation (Rydel=Bold Marybella=normal)

Hey Rydel :)

Hey girly! What's up?

Nothing much just that my parents are worrying me.

Why what happened?

I mentioned your name and they got really scared and worried really fast and I don't know why.

Don't worry too much about it. They'll probably tell you about it when they're ready. Don't stress too much about it.

Okay. You're probably right.

Of course I am. Just kidding. It's getting kind of late and we had a long day, so I'm gonna head to bed. Goodnight Bella :)

Night Rydel. Thanks for being there for me and for the advice. See you tomorrow :)

~In The Morning~

Rydel's POV:

I woke up this morning feeling excited and worried. I went downstairs to see my mom in the kitchen cooking breakfast and no one else seemed to be awake yet. "Morning Mom!" I said. She turned around and said "Morning!" "Hey mom, Bella mentioned to me that her parents were acting strange and she started getting worried late last night and so she texted me because she was scared that something bad was going to happen." "Oh no. They are probably worried that she's not going to take the news well or something because she doesn't know anything about being adopted." My mom replied. "I'll have to call them once you kids go to school because this needs to be done soon." Mom continued. "Okay hope everything goes well mom." 'Me too sweetie, me too." We ended the conversation once the boys came downstairs and got their breakfast. All of us kids got ready for school and left after saying goodbye to our parents.

Stormie's POV:

When Rydel told me what Marybella told her last night I was worried and scared just like how Marybella's adoptive parents. But we had to figure it would happen sooner or later if the two girls ever met. I picked up the phone and dialed Marybella's adoptive parents. The phone rang three times before I heard someone:


"Hey guys. I think it's time..."

"Yeah hope she takes it ok and doesn't hate us for keeping this huge secret."

"She won't and if she does, she'll regret it and apoligize because of her personality..."

"Okay...We'll tell her when she gets home from school. Let's have a family dinner tonight."

"Okay...The kids know so it should hopefully go well. Come over at 8pm."

"Okay see you then Stormie.."

"See you guys soon."

I ended the call. I really hope she takes the news okay....


Sorry these end kinda cliffy... Hope you all like it... Please let me know what you think in the comments. And just a heads up that I can't update daily but I'll update as much as possible due to school. Have a great day :)


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