Chapter 2 - Dont even think about it...

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Man.... I never mentioned my name before.... Well i am Aaron, and Jessica is in a jelly.... Great.. "AW come on!!! You know you want it!!!!" Said, Victor.... Well, he is basically the creepiest out of all of us, and the most, well, you know... "Let go of me!!!" Yelled Jessica. "Aw come on babe you know, and I know you wa-" i cut him off. "Get one finger in her pants a bullet is going down your throat." I said threatening like. "You go br-What are you doing?!?!" Jessica screamed. He was going for the pants... He REALLY wanted to die.... "EH EH Eh sticking to my word!" I said as i pulled out a pistol and aimed at his head. "Cant we all get al-" i cut off, well the man who wants to make a better place Kyle, i mean, i don't blame him, just not in the mood. I mean, he is one of my best friends. "Dude, he is trying to do my sister. Do you not see the problem?" I said. And then i saw Victor putting his hand through her pants so i shot him in the foot. "OW!!!! S***!!" He yelled as he fell to the floor. "That, is for messing with someone not your own size."

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