Chapter 3 - The Nexus

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"Aaron," The captain started. "I need you and 3 others to go destroy something called the Nexus. It is an entire race of robotic species that have many powers beyond explanation." He said. Strange. After that one incident, I thought he would never let me go on a mission again!

Soon, I got Lacey, Jess, and Kyle to come with me.

"Dibs on flying the drop ship!" Kyle yelled. He was the second in command of the Elite Pilot Squad, or E.P.S for short.

"Yeah, yeah we know Kyle!" Lacey yelled from the drop ship seats.

Soon the craft was heading trough lightspeed. All the stars elongated till there were bright steaks of white with the blackness of space.

Soon, the stars turned back to their normal shape, and we entered the atmosphere of almost Earth looking planet. Though something was wierd... My helmet scanner sensed something about the planets makeup. It reported that 73% of the planet was covered in titanium.

Once we reached the surface, Lacey asked me something. "So... How do you guys celebrate Christmas?"

"Well, the cooks prep up Christmas dinner food that you would usually, we give thanks, do secret Santa, an-"

"Who's you're secret Santa?" She asked me as she pulled out her pistol.

I pulled out my sniper rifle. "Wouldn't be a secret if I did."

"AHH!!!" Kyle came running to us, with little metal dog like things. "DON'T JUST STAND THERE! SHOOT THEM!" I pulled out my rifle a shoot 2, and Jess and Lacey shot 1 each.

As we walked around the planet we jumped down in a canyon, Which was a bad idea.

A REALLY bad idea.

As we reached the bottom, the cracks in the metal floor began to glow bright teal. Then it opened almost like a hanger door, and an armada of robots, big and small, all came out. Along with a gigantic robot with two bus sized swords and almost electric looking power going to every single robot.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2014 ⏰

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