Goddess of truth

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Edens POV* 

I was sitting in my throne room in heaven. Raphael was training the new guardian angels. I made a decision to take a few of the battalions and train them to be guardians. Rather than warriors they were learning to be protectors. I also had angels listening to prayers so I wasn't the only one who could grant them. I set up detailed protocol so that the prayer answering didn't get out of hand. I even set up a system so that angels could stop some demon crossroad deals. We did the same as the demons but took their souls to heaven. But we only did this if their wishes were pure and selfless. Like saving a child from illness or something like that. Castiel was busy too. I had him and a few other angels searching for the lost weapons.We also have to keep the demons in check. Now that my brother is once again locked away and most of their leaders are dead, Hell is in chaos. 

I have been fighting battle after battle with demons. It's been working so far but its not permanent. The angels seem to like my new systems and rules. I have granted them far more freedom and mercy. This means that no one has rebelled or questioned my authority. I don't know why my brother and father ruled with such a sick up their ass. It always seemed obvious to me that if you loosened the reins and weren't a push over the people would have no reason to rebel. But that's just me I guess... I also created a new law. Angels were allowed to love humans but at all costs avoid conceiving a child. under no circumstances should a nephilim be born. It would have too much power. I gave the impression that a nephilim would be killed to scare them... but in all honesty I would never kill a child. They didn't choose to be a nephilim. If it were to occur I would probably just send it and it's parents to live in purgatory. Or maybe I would create a new place just for the nephilim and their families. Hopefully that wouldn't happen though. I just thought that all angels should be allowed to love who they want. Dad's anti-relationship law made this place so toxic. I don't know how more angels didn't rebel. I guess they were just scared. But not any more. Under my care Heaven was getting better. My brothers and sisters lives were improving. We weren't just soldiers anymore, slowly we were becoming a family. Needless to say I've been extremely busy. Ruling Heaven is not an easy job. I haven't had time to bring back Gabriel yet as much as I wanted to. It would take a very long time and a lot of energy. I needed to get Heaven in order so that it could survive me being M.I.A. for a little while. At the moment I was the only thing keeping heaven running. If I were to take more than a day off Heaven would fall into chaos. 

I was finishing paperwork for a few new prayer answering protocols when I heard a prayer from dean. "Hey Eddie... uh. We got kinda an issue down here. Listen I know your busy with being... you know God. But I kinda need ya so if you could spare a minute that would be fan-freaking-tastic... I think we got Gabriel's horn of truth down here. People are dying and we could use you on this one...uh breaker- breaker... You getting any of this?" I would have laughed at Dean's poor excuse for a prayer if this wasn't so serious. If Gabriel's horn of truth was seriously down there it could be bad news. When I was young... long before the fall. Even before the other angels were created. I gave each of my Archangel brothers a gift. I gave Michael his lance (The one his stabbed me with), I gave lucifer a sword of flames, I gave Raphael a staff that could heal anything (except for death) and I gave Gabriel his horn of truth. All of those were extremely powerful and were only meant  to be wielded by their Archangel. It would be virtually impossible for anyone else to use it correctly. That's probably why people are dying. I put away my work and flew down to earth. "Yeah I got ya Dean. What's up?"  Dean jumped a little at my sudden appearance and then looked me up and down. My style had changed a little since I became Queen of Heaven. Rather than jeans and old band t-shirts I now wore dresses, suits, and heels. (Currently wearing picture below

 (Currently wearing picture below) 

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