Clap Your Hands If You Believe

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Eden's POV*

Sam is soulless.... His soul is still in Hell. When Cas pulled him out apparently he forgot to grab his soul. THAT IS A PRETTY MAJOR THING TO FORGET. Any way that explains why Sam has been so.... off. We figured it out after the "goddess" of truth couldn't use her powers on him. Dean has been trying to be Sammy's Jiminy Cricket. Since he has no conscience it's been a little hard to keep him from going full dark side. I've been searching every book in heaven (Which is around a billion books in 10,000 different languages). So I've been busy trying to get his soul back without opening the cage. Even if we got his soul back... It's been in the cage with a bored Michael and Lucifer for months. It is probably so broken it will be utterly useless. But nonetheless I'm researching while also continuing to run Heaven.... I haven't slept in a week. 

I heard a knock on the throne room door. "It's always open!" I said loud enough to be heard through the door. Castiel came in with a worried look on his face. "Hello Eden... how are you?" Cas said cautiously. "I'm peachy keen Cassie boy." I said rubbing my eyes. One of the lower class angels stumbled into the room with a pile of paperwork. The fates need approval for their plans and I have to sign off on it. I let out an exhausted sigh as I took the paperwork from the angel. "Thank you Afriel" I smiled. "You look exhausted... You need to take a break." Castiel said taking the paperwork from my hands. "I'm fine Cas. I missed a lot. I'm just playing a little catch up. I'll rest when I'm dead." I said. Castiel shook his head. "You are an immortal being. You are God. You won't die." He said. "Well then I guess I'll never rest." I said taking the paperwork back from Cas. Raphael came in and stood next  to Cas. "I for one, agree with our little brother. Heaven will survive you taking a break. You can do better work if your at your full potential and not an exhausted lump." Raphael smirked. I scoffed, "Okay hurtful but i'm gonna let it go. What do you suggest Raph?" I said standing up from my desk. "Why don't you go see what the Winchesters are up to? I'm sure they'd love your help on whatever case they're working." Castiel suggested. I nodded, "Okay fine. Well then apparently I'm off to see the Winchesters. But when the fates start bitchin' about late paperwork you get to tell them it's your fault." I said pointing at the two of them. Then I flew away...

"So on top of all the angels and demons and ghosts and skinwalkers, it turns out that there's- So if aliens are actually real what's next, huh? Hobbits? seriously." Dean ranted. I had walked into the restaurant they were at. Aliens? there's no such thing. I would know if dad created aliens. Sam seemed distracted as I walked up to the table. "You just gave her the silent "How you doing?" Our reality is collapsing around us and your trying to pick up our waitress?" Dean said exasperated. "Yeah that's pretty messed up Sammy. Now what's this I hear about Aliens?" I said pulling up a chair. "Eddie what are you doin' here I thought you were busy." Dean said giving my a hug. "Yeah well my dearly concerned brothers thought it would be good for me to take a little break. Now more importantly what's up with you Deano you seem... off." I said releasing Dean and sitting down. "Oh he's just pissy cause he got abducted. Hey Eddie your God, tell me... say you gotta soul and you're on a case, your brother gets abducted by aliens. You do everything you can to get him back BUT what about when there are no more leads for the night? I mean, are you supposed to just sit there in the dark and suffer even when there's nothing that can be done in that moment." I stared at Sam wide eyed. I can't help but feel like I'm missing something. "Huh?" I said confusion written all over my face. "I mean couldn't I just feel the loss AND have sex with the hippie chick?" Sam said. I paused looking to Dean for the translation but all he did was shoot back at Sam, "No, because you wouldn't be suffering. You can't just turn that off for the night. Because if you had a soul your soul wouldn't let you." Sam sat back confused, "So your saying having a soul equals suffering. Like the million times you almost called Lisa? So your saying suffering is a good thing? What do you think Eddie?" What the hell am I missing here? There's no way this makes sense to anybody.  "WHAT?" I said louder.

Ok so dean got abducted by aliens, I call BS but okay. Sam had sex with a hippie instead of finding him. wow this is one hell of a break Cassie. I had just walked back from the Library with Sam. We were doing research. Dean was trying to show us the 'echk' in the microwave. Apparently he microwaved a bitchy little flying lady. Me and Sam weren't seein' it...Fairies. Apparently we were hunting tinkerbell. I shoulda just stuck to the paperwork. We went and talked to some crazy Fairy lady. What the hell is this chick on? She told us about fairies. But just dumb useless crap like they count sugar grains and like cream. I was trying so hard not to laugh. "Dean... did you service Oberon king of the fairies?" I asked trying to hold it together. He just rolled his eyes and hit me in the back of the head as we walked to the car. "God is it on me I feel like I have the crazy on me." Dean said shaking his jacket. I smiled "No you did sit in some glitter though." I laughed. 

We found the Fairies at some watch makers place. Sam confronted him. Apparently he made a deal with fairies and lost his son. Dean got arrested for assaulting a midget lawyer. Oh winchesters how did you survive without me. I went with Sam to help him get the spell to send all of the fairies back to their realm. Wow thats a sentence I never thought I'd say. The leprechaun appeared and killed the watchmaker. He tried to convince sam to let him live here in exchange he could get his soul outta hell. Obviously Sam said no. They began to fight. 

Sam was getting the crap beat outta him. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the watchmakers desk and grabbed the salt shaker. "Common laddie you've already taken your best shot." The leprechaun spat at Sam's bleeding form on the floor. "Hey Lucky charms. Do me a favor and start counting!" I said pouring out the salt in front of the leprechaun. "Oh no... 1...2....3....Damn you." He said as he stooped on the floor and started counting the grains. Huh crazy lady was useful after all.  I walked over and healed Sam. "I don't know why you didn't just do that." I said helping him up. He grabbed the spell book and read out the spell to send all the fairy folk back to their side of the fence. I flew into Deans jail cell. He looked like hell. Anyway I healed him and got the cops to drop the charges. I'm serious how are they alive without me. 

We sat on the impala drinking beers. "You know Winchesters. I bet Raphael could run heaven for a while. I mean of course I'd still be queen and they'd need me from time to time but... I was thinking maybe I could stick around. At least til we get sammy's soul back. I mean you boys are obviously utterly helpless without me so... what do ya say?" I said looking at them for a response. "Welcome back to Team Free Will Eddie... We missed ya." Dean smiled holding up his beer. "It's good to be back." 


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