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"And you think my father... God. is telling you that the way to defeat amara is through Lucifer... My brother?" I asked Sam. He has been going on about this forever. I wasn't allowed to fight in the first war, out of fear of the prophecy. But you know who was there? Lucifer. Apparently there was a burning bush and now Sam is convinced this is the way to go. "Let's do it"
Amara was spotted at a church so we had to split up. Sam and I searching for a way to talk to Luci while Dean went to go investigate Amara. Rowena found a spell in the book of the damned... we can talk to him. But for some reason we can't get a hold of Dean. "Eddie... it's your call." Sam said looking to me. "I wanna see my brother"


(Only pay attention to the Amara/Dean parts )

Back in Hell

Rowena prepared the cage and spell. We found a way to talk to Lucifer without freeing him. Sam and I stepped aside as Rowena started to chant. The flames erupted around the cage. As they began to die down I saw two red eyes glowing in the darkness of the cage. "My old friend crowley." Lucifer said. He began talking with crowley. He had yet to see me or Sam. "Stay here for a second. We don't know how he'll react to seeing you." Sam said in a whisper. I hesitated but nodded. "What do you want of me?" Lucifer finally asked. Crowley didn't answer. Instead Sam left my side and stepped into view of the cage. "Sam Winchester... My old roomie! Hug it out?" Lucifer said sarcastically. "I'm a little in the dark about this meeting. Am I up for parole? Time off for bad behaviour? I don't really get visitors." Lucifer said. "And if it wasn't for the crisis topside, you wouldn't be getting one now." Sam said. "Crisis?" Lucifer asked. I feel like that's a long enough build up Sammy.

"It's bad Luc..." I say stepping into view of the cage. "...Eden..." Lucifer whispered. His eyes widened and filled with tears. "Hi Luci." With that I flew over the flames and through the bars. I engulfed Luci in a big hug and stuck my face in his neck. "I missed you so much..." I cried. He hugged back tighter. Cradling my head and resting is head on mine. "I missed you too Eddie." I held him even tighter if that was possible. "I'm sorry Luci. I was planning on letting you and Mick out soon I swear" he nodded. "I know Eddie I know..." "It's bad Luc... it's really really bad" I said through tears. "What's happening?" Lucifer pulled back to look me in the eye. "The darkness... Amara. She's free." I said. I saw his heart stop. Instant dread filled his eyes. "Well why isn't dad here, you know! FIXING IT!" Lucifer yelled. Not at me. But at the world. His eyes glowed red. "I'm gonna die luc... I need your help." Lucifer walked back towards my and wrapped his arms around me. "I'm not gonna let that happen... you're not dying again." He whispered into my ear. Then he stood up straight and turned to Sam. "I can help. But uhhh... ya see while I look pretty good down here. Up stairs I'm kinda just smoke. You see the issue?" Luci asked Sam . "You want a vessel" Sam scoffed. Then I felt it. A stabbing pain in my chest. "Ahhh" I exclaimed grabbing my chest. " Eden? What's wrong?" Lucifer asked concerned. "What did you do to her?" Sam asked. Amara...Dean... smiting " dean..." I whispered "amara is with dean. She... heaven is ambushing her. They tried to kill her. I have to go... please don't hurt each other... I'll be back." With that I flew off. The enormous power drain from heaven and therefore me caused a massive pain in my chest.Questions kept popping into my head. Is dean okay? Did it work? Was any one hurt? I had no idea where I was going But I trusted my instincts and kept flying.


Amara escaped. Dean is safe. So now we're back to square one. Well maybe not completely. "You really didn't think I'd recognize you brother?" I asked Lucifer in castiels vessel. " you always did know me best." He smiled genuinely. I love castiel. But I need my big little brother right now. I need Lucifer.
But I do have to tell Sam and Dean. They deserve to know. I knocked on deans door, "hey Deano.. can I talk to you about something?" I said entering his room. " yeah there's something I need to talk to you about as well" Dean said standing from his bed. I nodded my head as if to say go on. "I kissed amara..." my heart shattered. " aunt Amara... my aunt who's currently trying to kill me and end all creation THAT Amara ?" I said my eyes glowing blue. "I'm sorry. I'm so damn sorry." I shook my head. "You know what dean... so am I." A single tear slipped down my cheek as I exited the room. I heard something smash in deans room but I didn't turn around I kept walking.

Amara's NieceWhere stories live. Discover now