Chapter 3

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I had to delete and publish this chapter again due to technical difficulties. If you noticed the chapter publish twice then that was it. Now is up again and I hope you enjoy it Xx.

Tanya, Rosie, Bill and Harry were bragging nonstop on how Sophie and Sam renovated the hotel. How they used Donna's ideas and made new changes. How popular and successful the hotel was getting in just two years.

"I couldn't have done it without any of you either" Sophie said "And Sky has made many sacrifices to help me too"

"Where is Sky?" Donna asked

"At the hotel" Sophie replied

"Poor boys, having to witness a scary old romantic movie in front of them" Tanya joked

Sophie giggled "Oh stop, they are still in their honeymoon phase" Do

Tanya rolled "You are just bitter because Señor Cienfuegos brother never called you back" Rosie remarked

"I am not!!" Tanya "He can do whatever he wants, I am not a woman of commitment in a relationship" they all laughed slightly

"Whatever you say Damsel" Rosie teased

"I'm  confused" Donna whispered to Sam

"Fernando Cienfuegos is the hotel manager" he said  "there is something else but I think you better see it yourself"

They arrived at the hotel and Donna was amazed on how much it had changed. It had became everything she ever dreamed it would.

"The hotel looks amazing and beautiful on the outside, I can't imagine how it is on the inside" Donna said, she turned to Sam "Thank you for being here for my daughter and help her with everything. Thank you to all three" Donna said and looked at Bill and Harry.

"I'll always be where you two are and I'm not going anywhere" he said and kissed her

"Same for us" said Harry and Bill agreed

Sky came out of the entrance with Donny in his arms "Sky!!! You are not going to believe this, I still can't. Look" Sophie gestured to Donna and his reaction was the same as the others.

"This is unbelievable,but how?" Sky asked

"I think Donna doesn't want to talk about that for now we have to be happy she is alive and here with us" Harry said

Donna saw the baby staring at her resting his head on Sky's shoulder "This must be the little boy everyone is talking about" she smiled looking at him

"His name is Donny" Sophie said

Donna's face beamed with happiness as her smile grew wider "You named him after me?"

"Of course, how can we not?" Sophie said "You are everything to us"

Donna looked at the baby and caressed his little head, Donny stayed still then smiled at her. Everyone around was in awe of the moment.

"It was really difficult to get him off Ruby but he eventually gave in, I swear he is glued to her hahaha" Sky said

When Donna heard that name she shot a look to Sky then at her best friends. It couldn't be the same Ruby, her mother was here?

"I know what you think and yes surprisingly it is your mother" Tanya said

They heard the piano playing from inside "Let's go inside, she's starting" Sam said

They all went inside and Donna couldn't help but look around at the beautiful lobby. It was like she had dreamed it would be. She saw her pictures on one of the walls and got a little emotional. Sam saw and kissed her hand. Getting closer to the piano she saw a couple of people surrounding it. A man was playing and Ruby was standing next to him singing. She had a voice as sweet as sugar cane. Donna had a really complicated relationship with Ruby but she still loved hearing her mother sing. She had held a little grudge against her for not showing up in Donna's teenage years. Also for rejecting her when she was pregnant. It really surprised her to see her here on the island. Everyone was listening to her intently. Donna had seen Ruby always be tough and stern, a bit cold maybe in a way. Rarely has Donna seen her smile but now Ruby was shown happy. It was strange to see her this way but at the same time Donna was glad her mother was here for Sophie.

Ruby finished her performance and received a big around of applause. She thanked her audience and took a bow. When she looked up at her family she was speechless. She covered her mouth to the surprise of her daughter standing there. The others were waiting for a reaction from Donna but she didn't know how to react.

"Oh my God" Ruby said, she walked towards her and stood in front of her "Donna"

"Mother" Donna simply responded

"How is it possible? It has been two years since..." she couldn't finish her sentence because she was about to cry

"I was found floating in the shores of Greece by a nice woman. For a moment they thought I was dead but when the paramedics found a pulse, the doctors put me in a coma. I woke up early in the morning, they checked me and said everything was fine" Sophie hugged her from behind

Ruby looked away from Donna and to the man in the piano, Donna looked at them curious because she didn't know who he was and her mother was looking at him in a way she had never seen her look at anyone.

Ruby reached for his hand and he took it "Fernando" she said, Fernando stood up and embraced her. This took Donna by surprise "I know I have never been mother of the year but when I got the call of your death I was devastated. I always regretted not accepting you when you became pregnant. Always regretted not having the same relationship that you have with Sophie. I was too heartbroken to admit it and to open myself again. When Sky called me to invite me to reopening of the hotel, I thought it would be my chance to make amends at least with Sophie. It has been my chance, what I didn't expect was for that chance to double" Ruby took Fernando's hand, Donna listened "You know the story of the man I met in Central America. Things got complicated and we had to part which broke our hearts" Fernando caressed Ruby's arm and she reacted to the touch "That man is your father, this man behind me. He didn't know you existed until we met again and I got the surprise he worked for Sophie. One of my biggest regrets is that we never got to be a family and you two never got to meet"

Fernando moved from behind Ruby and in front of Donna, he took her hand. She was frozen, not knowing what to do but at the same time wanted to hear his voice "We don't know each other personally but by the way Sophie always talks about you I know that you are a wonderful woman and an amazing mother. I can see it by the way he cares for Donny, she is as amazing as you. I know by the way Sam talks about you and looks at you that you are loved and you love. I know by your friends that you are the most hard working person they have ever seen and that is a great value. I know you have a complicated relationship with Ruby and that we have never been able to know each other. If you give me a chance, I would love to be the father I never got the chance to be" Everyone had tears in their eyes including Donna, she didn't say anything but hugged him as tight as she could. Fernando reached for Ruby and Donna took her hand although not yet a full hug. Sophie joined the hug and they all had tears of joy.

They broke apart and dried their tears, Donna looked at Ruby who was in Fernando's arms "It will take some time for me to forgive you and maybe we can have a relationship but I want to get to know him" she said "Especially if he works here" she joked, everyone laughed lightly.

Sam hugged Donna from behind and kissed her on the head "I'm so proud of you" he said

"Can we watch Donny? He knows we are the fun auntie's" Rosie pleaded

Sophie giggled "Of course, you know you always can and he loves it" she said and Sky passed her the baby

"Never thought I would live to see this" Donna joked

"We'll help them" Bill and Harry said

"Very funny, we are great with him... Or at least me and Bill" Rosie said laughing Tanya rolled her eyes but grinned

"I'll see with Sky how everything is for tonight" Fernando said "Ruby mi amor can you..."

"Cover you at the desk, I know don't worry I got it" Ruby interrupted and kissed Fernando

"It won't be long" Fernando reassured

"Now that is a real surprise" Ruby chuckled at that "What is tonight?" Donna asked

"You'll find out soon darling" Sam said then asked "Want a tour of everything?" She nodded

"I hope you will be proud" Sophie said to her

Donna took her hand and kissed it "I already am" Sophie smiled wider

Saying goodbye to everyone, Sam and Sophie went to show Donna around the hotel.

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