what resides beyond the boundaries

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The dark sky was quite intimidating.

Besides the fact that the atmosphere was unusually quiet, being outside after the sun had sat was foreign for (name).

The youngest kids weren't allowed to stay outside at night under any circumstances after all.

And as the warnings about the dangers of night time carried on, the children would eventually scurry away from it themselves.

The small girl would normally be too anxious to even glance at the trees that were bent in a shape, vaguely looking like a person if it weren't for her mother who was gently holding her hand, humming an unfamiliar lullaby.

But honestly, (name)'s mind was mostly clouded by her both Excited and nervous thoughts at the moment, too busy to process her fear.

(Name) wasn't the shiniest toy in the box, she wasn't necessarily special nor talented or smart, her test scores were roughly average if not lower.

So to think that she would be adopted so early on, the idea in itself wasn't predictable for her at all.

Outside these boundaries, her future parents would lie and wait for her to join their family, Wasn't it exciting?

"Hey hey, mama, do you think I can send you guys letters when I'm out? Or maybe call you guys? Actually can I just come visit you? I can, right?"

The black haired woman only side glanced at her excited form, smiling as she resumed her soft humming. it didn't take too long for the pair to reach the once closed gates.

The woman had left the (hair color) haired child on her own near a single truck, claiming that she'd be right back as she entered a certain room, it gave the girl some time to observe the first vehicle she never had the chance to see in her lifetime.

Thanks to the strong smell of gasoline, the small girl didn't find the courage to near said truck as she associated it with one of those chemicals she was told was dangerous.

And soon, Mama came back, taking her hand once again and guiding her to said door.

(Name)'s mind had always been a slow one, but she wouldn't be exaggerating at all when she would describe the incredible speed of the claw that was now grasping her.

"M-mama!", She instinctively cried out for help, gaze gravitating toward her only means of escape, only to see the woman that raised her to this moment walking away smoothly.

That sight alone was more than enough to break every ounce of Hope in her.

But even so, her body still resisted, legs kicking and arms trying to push against the beast holding her, but in the end, a small child could not possibly compete with this monster.

As the latter swiftly grabbed a flower-like object, it stabbed said object directly in her heart, so accurately and with absolutely no hesitation as if it had done it so many times already that it became a second nature.

(Name)'s body stopped moving, her eyes widened to an impossible extent as she felt her heart pulsating at a deadly rate.

Her limbs continued kicking around incontrollably for a few seconds, seemingly like a pathetic bug before falling dead as the blood in them was suddenly shifted in the flower via her central organs.

She could feel the blood draining from her body, no longer reaching the brain as she clutched into the last remnants of her hazy vision with bleeding fingertips.

But even that vague image was now taken away from her as she was no longer connected to the world.

'Her' world had already stopped, and it stayed frozen for a while, it was comforting, in a way.

It wasn't until the sudden warmth had returned to her, the feeling of having a physical body returned to her so suddenly that she found herself collapsed on the ground.

But the girl didn't even remember standing, she didn't remember any familiar faces being around her, that she was standing on the grass rather than concrete or even if she was wearing her usual white uniform.

(Name) was grabbed from every direction by who she soon found out was her unrelated siblings, all asking what was wrong if not for some running around, probably asking for assistance.

"Haaah...haah...?", The girl grabbed her chest, breathing heavily and clumsily as if she was only recently given a pair of lungs.

'what... happened just now...?'

And that would mark the day when (name) had discovered a chilling truth. Naturally, her first course of action was to ask her Mama for help. The naive child thought that she had nothing to do with the monster that attacked her.

It was only natural for a small child to trust her, the only figure she had looked up to, but oohh boy how wrong was she.

To say that the woman was surprised was an understatement, the girl had expected her shipment about a month beforehand after all, but even the adult had brushed it off, claiming that it was just a dream.

Dreams were quite unpredictable, sometimes they even tell you what you're not supposed to know.

Driven by her desperation, she decided after a few days later to tell a certain trio. Emma, Norman and Ray, in the end, they were the big three, if anyone could help her it'll be them, right? She thought.

Sadly for her she had been let down once again.

Norman had tried to reason with her, telling her that it was just a dream, he concluded that the monster was a visualization of her fear of letting go of Grace field and having to adapt to a new family.

Emma had went along with this theory, trying to reassure the young girl and even offering to sleep next to her if she was too bothered by her so called nightmare.

But only one was caught off guard and instantly interested.

In a world where the food chain had shifted so much that such a system even existed, Ray chose to believe (name)'s story.


WOO would you look at that, 1017 words in a few hours, I'm on fire today! I don't know about the quality tho


I'm sorry ;;;;;;

I hope y'all enjoyed :"3

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