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Hey guys! This is my new story! I know that I already have a lot of books going on at the moment but I had to make this. Thanks so so so much to ArabellaThompson (Shadow_of_the_Insane) for letting me use Nafri in my novel!!



Bang. Bang. Bang. Three shots, two people, one victim, one murder. I was only six years old on the worst day of my entire life.

All tucked in, I was pretending to sleep, secretly waiting for my mom to come home from work. She always came home light, usually around bedtime. I heard my sister shuffle in the bed next to mine. Finally, I could hear the garage door open and my mom entered the house. I turned over and looked at Kenzie.

"Psst!" I whisper, hoping to catch her attention.

"What?" She moaned, groggily.

"Mom's home!" I whisper a bit louder.

"Ugh. Just go back to sleep." She tosses a pillow at me, but misses.

"Fine," I sigh in defeat and turn around.

I close my eyes for a couple minutes, but then I hear voices. My mom's voice. And my dad's. They're angry. They're arguing. I try to ignore it, cuddling with my stuffed elephant, Snuffles. Then, the gunshots.

Bang. Bang.

Immediatley, both, my sister and I jump out of bed and rush down the stairs. There, on the kitchen floor, which was stained with blood, my mother. She was still alive, holding the side of her stomach.

"Kenzie, Kylie!" She groans.

Then. Bang.

She fell backwards, lifeless. He killed her. Our own father, murdered her. We stood there, horrified with what we saw. Next thing you know, I'm running out the door holding my sister's hand and we sprint across the street to my Aunt's house.


Aunt Stacey opens the door, bags under her eyes and a tired look on her face.

"What on earth are you kids doing at 10:30 at night?!" She chastises.

I just hug her and begin to cry as my sister explains. She lets us in and offers us brownies as she calls the police. I don't know what do to. I feel helpless, sitting there crying. My sister embraces me and I bury my face into her shoulder. All I can think is: she's dead, she's dead, she's dead, she's dead...


Just a little six year old boy wandering the streets. No parents, no home. Where to go? I never quite knew the answer to that question. The wind blows heavily and I shiver, wrapping myself in an embrace.

Who will care for the poor orphan boy? There's gotta be somebody! There has to be! I crouch beneath a large trash bin in a dark alley, curling up into a ball to sleep. Suddenly, I feel a sharp tap on my shoulder. I look up and see a man, probably in his 40s staring at me with twinkling, blue-grey eyes.

"Hello there," he says with a smile. "Need a place to spend the night?"

I nod, too afraid to speak.

"Follow me. Unless, you'd rather fall asleep next to the trash bin."

He turns and walks away allowing me time to get up and follow him.

"What's your name?" He asks me.

"N-Nafri..." I manage to blurt out.


I nod. "Mhm."

"Nice name."

"It is?"

"Yes. Its unique. The world needs some more unique things, don't you think?"

I nod.


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