Chapter 3: Finding Nemo and Brownie Brittle

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Heyy! I know I have a lot of books going on at the moment, and I will update them ASAP! For Crazy, Wild and Free I sort of had a writers block but I will be back on track. Same goes for How I Played the Playboy and Quirk. For now, just enjoy this next chapter in Nafri's POV.



Within the past two hours, the world decided to be nice. Ha! As if. I can feel it -- this girl is up to something. People don't just bail out orphans from jail then take them home, and beleive me, I know. This girl wants something and I have nothing to even offer. That's not even the scary part. What really bugs me is the fact that I don't know what she wants.

I look at myself in the mirroras a tall, scrawny boy looks back at me. I feel as if he's not me, yet when I move, he moves. He's got hair as dark as the night and his face is messy. Very messy. She wasn't joking when she said I needed a shower.

I hastily strip off my clothes and turn a couple knobs to get the water going. As I step in, I suddenly feel self-concious, although nobody's watching me. I quickly wash off dirt from my face and body before turning all the knobs off and stepping out. I dry myself with a towel before sliding on my old, tattered jeans. Just as I'm about to pull on my shirt, I hear a knock at the door.

"Nafri?" Kylie's voice calls from the other side.

"Yeah?" I respond.

"Um.... Can I come in? I got you something."

"Okay, I guess." She opens the door, carrying a small pile of clothes in one hand. She looks at me and frowns.

"What?" I ask. Her mystical blue eyes keep looking back at me. "A-are you checking me out?" I ask, slightly embarrassed. Immediatley, she flusters.

"N-no!!" Her face goes red as she steps back. "And besides, I- I have a boyfriend!!"

"Then why are you staring at me like that?!"

"I was.... Nevermind. Here," she hands me the clothes. "Put these on. They're clean." She turned around to leave but I stop her.

"Why are you doing this?" I say.


"All this?" I wave my arms, motioning around the room.

She sighs. "Nafri, you turned your back on the world. And now it's giving you an oppurtunity. I suggest you take it." She gives me one more glance and shuts the door behind her.

The world doesn't give second chances... Does it?

I change into the jeans, shirt and hoodie she gave me, stuffing my dirty clothes in the corner. The second I step out of the bathroom, I hear a knock at the door.

"Don't get it, it's for me!" Kylie shouts, skipping towards the door. I roll my eyes and hear the door crack open, followed by squealing.

"Quentin!" I hear Kylie's squeals from the door.

"Hey, Ky. I missed you." A male's voice replies. Wait.... A boy? I head over to the entrance to see Kylie sharing an embrace with a guy - caramel coloured hair, perfect face structure and a well-built body. His brown eyes flit over to me and he pulls away from Kylie.

"Kylie... Who's that?" He points towards me. Kylie looks back at me, her eyes wide.

"This is Nafri. He's........ A friend?"

"A friend?" He raises an eyebrow.

"We met at the park..." she continues, fumbling with her sleeves.

"Uh, huh..." he crosses his arms. "Anyways," he changes the subject. "I got those movies you wanted." He hands three DVDs to Kylie.

"Yes!!" She squeals, clutching the DVDs to her chest. "Wanna watch them with me?" She asks him, eyes wide as saucers.

"Sorry, Ky," he scratches the back of his neck. "I gotta head back to work..."

"Oh... No problem! I'll just watch them with Nafri."

"Uh... What?" I say.

"Wanna watch a couple movies?" She says.

"Uhm.... Okay, I guess." I reply.

"Cool. Alright, see you later, Quen!" She directs her attention to Quentin as he walks out the door.

"Soooo...." Kylie clasps her hands together, puffing her cheek.

"Yeah?" I reply, lazily.

"That was my boyfriend."

"Okay, so?" Cue the cricket chirping.

"Uhm, how about that movie then?" She walks into the small living room, holding up the DVDs for me to see: Finding Nemo, Star Wars, and The Fox and the Hound.

"It doesn't really matter..." I say, sheepishly.

"Finding Nemo it is, then." She tosses the other two movies on the couch and inserts the DVD into the movie-playing thing.

"Where's your aunt?" I examine the apartment, finding no signs of her.

"She went out to buy food." She jumps onto the couch and snatches a blanket, clutching it to her chest. She tosses me a blanket.

"Come on," she says. I nod and awkwardly take a seat next to her, fumbling with the strings of the hoodie. I am suddenly interrupted by a loud noise and I look up to see the movie starting.


Just keep swimming, just keep swimming... The blue fish (Dory, I think) repeats for the 200th time.

Just keep-- "I'M HOOOMEE!!" Kylie's aunt shouts, opening the door.

"No need to shout, we're right here!" Kylie retorts.

"Sorry, Ky... I guess I got excited because tonight we're making brownie brittle!"

"Brownie brittle?!" Kylie says, excited.

"Brownie brittle?" I question.

Kylie looks back at me, her eye wide. "Brownie brittle!"

"What's brownie brittle?" I ask.

"Its basically really crispy and thinned out brownies, broken into small pieces. They're a family recipe."

I nod in response and continue to watch the strange blue fish. I hear the familiar rustling of grocery bags, then footsteps. All of the sudden, Mrs. Stacey crashes herself between me and Kylie. She tightly wraps her arm around Ky.

"What'cha watchin'?" a dorky smile spreads across her lips. Kylie opens her mouth to respond, but Mrs. Stacey doesn't giver her the chance to speak.

"Ooh! Finding Nemo! I love this movie. Have you gotten to the part when--"

"Aunt Stace, we're trying to watch!" Kylie shushed her.

"Alright, alright!" Mrs. Stacey rolls her eyes and gets up, leaving to the kitchen. We enjoy a couple minutes more of the film before we hear a shout from the kitchen.

"Do I put the dry ingredients first or the wet ingredients first?!" Mrs. Stacey shouts. Kylie groans before getting up to the kitchen.

"Remote is beside you if you need it Nafri." she says as she leaves.

Brownie brittle and Finding Nemo. Two things I never thought I would come across ever since I was six.


HAI! I hope you enjoyed that chapter of The Puzzle Pieces are Broken. I know that the title makes no sense but it will later on.

Sorry for not posting since FOREVER. I had school and suffered extreme procrastination (whoops) for a while now. I promise I will update my other stories ASAP.

SORRY FOR PULLING A SHERLOCK HERE! (Like the delay? haha. get it? because the episodes take a thousand years? yes? no? okay.)

Anyways, peace, love and pancakes! 😘

~ charlie_bear13

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2015 ⏰

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