When Dating a God, Expect War

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 "Oh my God, oh my God," Alex cried, curled up in the bathroom. Ada sat over her, trying to calm her down before anyone noticed. "It's my fault!"

"So? Ares just protected you! He is totally into you! And if I'm going to be completely honest, hot as hell." Ada countered. "Come on, you know it's true."

"Will you drop it! He just beat a kid to a pulp. It was just some idiot sophomore trying to be cool! Oh my God." Ada rolled her eyes and forced Alex up into a sitting position.

"Calm down, these things happen all the time in your stupid books, why can't you handle it in real life. Like, seriously, if a guy did that in one of your stories you would have fallen head over heels instantly." Ada rolled her eyes as Alex finally began to calm down. "See, everything is fine. It's just high school, fights happen."

Ada dragged Alex to the sink, splashed water on her face, and pulled out a tube of concealer. Alex stood still as Ada applied it under Alex's eyes, covering any evidence of her brake down. "You'll be fine." Ada said calmly, "This is something that happened once. You can get up and be fine. You're dating the God of this school, you're going to have to expect a little war." So Alex sighed, and slowly made her way back to class.

Alex made her way to lunch, sulking down the long, deafening halls. "Hey, can I talk to you?" A voice asked calmly from behind her. Alex jumped slightly and turned to see Ares. "Look, I'm sorry about earlier. I just got upset, I don't like seeing people do things like that." Alex nodded politely, avoiding eye contact. "Maybe I can make it up to you? Let me get you lunch or something." Ares tried to catch Alex's eye, wanting to make her feel better.

"Fine, but no more fighting, at least not about me," Alex mumbled. She knew that Ares was a jock, he was going to fight, that's just what his people do, but she didn't want to be part of it, and if having lunch with him got him to leave her alone, the. She would do it.

When the weekend finally arrived, Alex started to wonder if maybe this wasn't a great idea. She wasn't cute or smart. Lunch dates were not her area of expertise. But maybe it wasn't a date. Just a lunch to make her feel better. It's nothing to worry about. "Ada help me, I have made a huge mistake," Alex yelled through the phone, "What am I supposed to do?"

"First of all, chill. You should be excited. If you want, I can hide nearby and keep an eye on you, but you really should do this. You like him, I can tell, even if you can't. This is a great opportunity to get to know him and become friends." Alex groaned and could almost hear Ada roll her eyes on the other end of the line. "Look, you will be fine, wear the outfit I picked for you. I won't leave you with him if it gets bad, but you should try."

"Fine, fine." Alex grumbled, staring at the outfit Ada said would be her best bet. It wasn't fancy. Just a pair of nice blue jeans and a yellow, off-the-shoulder top, and ankle boots. She looked professional, but not over done, at least, that's how Ada put it. Alex set to work braiding her hair up, into two, even Dutch braids, on either side of her head. It was calming to have something to focus on. Alex had always loved to braid her hair, but it took time, time she didn't have in the morning before school. So she didn't get to much. As she finished the braids and slid her shirt over her head, she led in the mirror. She didn't look half bad. She still wasn't effortlessly pretty like most of the school, but she was presentable. That's all she needed at the moment. 

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