Chapter 2

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"Can't help you," Ed said at once. He turned to Mrs. Smirnova, who suddenly looked the other way to seem like she hadn't been eavesdropping. "I need..." He paused, trying to remember the word. "...wood?"

Mrs. Smirnova and the girl both looked at each other and laughed. The girl said something that sounded similar to what Ed had said, but once she'd said it he knew he'd been incorrect in his translation. What he'd said had meant 'rope', rather than 'wood'. He rolled his eyes at the girl, but muttered a quiet thank you. Mrs. Smirnova bustled off to the back, saying something to the girl which made her blush.

"Please, I have a little money," she said to Ed, pulling out her pouch. "I need someone to help me."

"If it was legal-"

"My crossing the border to your country is as legal as yours into mine," the girl said coldly. "Our government is not kind to foreigners. I will go to the soldiers."

Ed glared at her, trying to test how far she was willing to go. Her gaze didn't waver, though it did become slightly worried the longer their staring contest went on. Eventually, Ed huffed. "You will wait for my... comrade. He is good with papers."

The girl gave a satisfied look and turned to Mrs. Smirnov as she returned with the wood Ed had asked for. Ed reached for it, but the girl stopped him. "I heard you on the stairs, I will take it."

Ed flushed red, not pleased with how obvious he was, but didn't protest. He limped back to the stairs, gripping the railing again as he slowly lead the way up. The girl followed him silently and Ed was hit with just how awkward the scene looked. He elected to ignore the tense air, instead pulling out the key to the room he and Mustang shared. "You can wait here," he said gruffly, opening the door and going inside. After the girl didn't follow him inside, he swore, amending his statement, "I mean- you can wait in here."

"Oh!" the girl said, blushing. She hurried inside but stopped on the threshold.

Ed looked up from his spot by the fire. "Come sit," he said, gesturing to the other chair.

The girl obeyed, though she added a few logs to the fire before placing the rest of them to the side and sitting down. She was poised on the edge of the chair, clearly uncomfortable.

Ed gave her a few minutes to speak if she wanted to, then broke the silence. "I am Edward Elric."

She looked at him for a moment, then replied, "I am Talia."

Ed hesitated for a moment, trying to think of the words for last name. He eventually settled on just asking, "You have a second name?"

Talia shook her head and said something Ed couldn't understand. He asked her to repeat and she cleared her throat, then spoke in broken Amestrian. "I forget. When I was..." she furrowed her brow, then switched back to Drachman. "When I was little I hit my head," she explained, gesturing to the top of her head in case he didn't understand. The scarf she wore had slipped down her face onto her neck and Ed could see it pulling at a thin silver chain that had been hidden under it.

Ed raised a brow. "How do you know Amestrian?" he asked in his native tongue.

"I- I do not know," Talia said hesitantly, switching to Amestrian with him. "I am not good."

Ed barked a laugh. "I can't imagine you've had many opportunities to practice with your government being how it is!"

She gave him a look, but didn't disagree. She opened her mouth, but was interrupted by the door slamming open. She jumped, almost falling out of the chair. Instinctively, Ed stood up to fend off an attacker, but froze upon seeing Mustang. "What the hell is your problem, bastard?" Ed snapped.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2019 ⏰

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