Chapter 14. Amanda Waller

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(Sarah's P.O.V)

Now that my family knows about Screech, there is no doubt they'll be even more overprotective. Great. At least they didn't ground me.

And suprise, suprise, I have school today. I wake up, get dressed, the usual. When Damian and I arrived, Bruce told me to stay by Damian's side.

As soon as Damian and I stepped foot in there, we were immediately surrounded by kids. They kept saying "You're Sarah Wayne right? You're so cute."

Everything was getting too loud. I could feel Screech in distress. I tried to push past everyone, but there were too many people. I looked for Damian, no luck.

Until I felt a hand grab my wrist, and pull me out of the crowd. A boy about my age, with messy hair and glasses. He said "Hi, I'm Jon." Damian then walked up to us. "Hi, Dami." Jon chirped. "Hi, Jon. Are you okay, Sarah?" Damian looked down at me. "Yeah, I'm fine."

While we were eating lunch, Me and Screech sensed danger. I asked a nearby adult if I could use the bathroom. When he let me, I walked in the direction of the restrooms and quickly, when no one was looking, I climbed out a nearby window and swung off.

We scanned the city, looking for the danger. But there was none. I was walking back to school as Sarah, then I was snatched up in an alleyway.

In front of me, were two men in suits and an African American, overweight woman, There was something off about her.

"Who are you?" I asked. "Sarah Wayne, correct? My name is Amanda Waller. I'm here to talk to you about your Symbiote."

I was in shock. How did SHE know!? I tried to keep my cool. "I don't know what you're talking about, you must have the wrong person." Ms. Waller raised an eyebrow. "So you're telling me this isn't you?" She pulled out a tablet showing a surveillance video from a year ago in S.T.A.R Labs. The video showed a hooded figure trespassing into a lab, grabbing a container and fleeing. Yep. That was me.

"Yes. I am saying that's not me." I said.
"Have it your way." Waller said. I then felt a small prick in the back of my neck. I began to feel woozy, then I fell asleep.

I don't remember much of what happened after but I awoke to voices. I open my eyes to see that I was in some kind of room, tied up against a pole. I couldn't hear Screech, which made me worry.

Then Waller walked in holding a container with Screech inside, scared and afraid. "Let them go!" I shouted, using my best attempt to look intimidating.

"I can't do that. You see, The Agency has been watching the symbiote for a while and we've known who it's host was. Now that we have it, We will use it for more important things such as government business. And we will find it's hybrid offspring." Waller said.

"I won't ever tell you, Bitch." I spat. "Fine. Then I won't be needing you anymore." Waller then proceeded to point a gun at my head as Screech began to wail.

Waller was then, hit in the back of the head with a mallet, knocking her unconscious. I looked around to find who did that. A woman emerged from the shadows. A blonde with pigtails, tips dyed with red and blue.

"Ya alright, kid? She asked me in a brooklyn accent. "Yeah, I'm fine. Who are you?" Just as I asked that, more people came out and I could recognize most of them. El Diablo. Deadshot. Captain Boomerang. Killer Croc. Man-Bat. And Kitana.

The woman answered. "Kid, We're The Suicide Squad."

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