Chapter One ~ Mating Ball

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I looked in the mirror at myself before deciding to wear something else. For some reason nothing seemed to make me happy. I mean it was only my fate that was on the line, nothing major. 'We have to look good for mate tonight!' My wolf, Sasha, told me happily. 'I know, I know!' We were both eager to meet the man we are to spend the rest of our life's with. Literally. I will die when he does and he will die when I do.

Finally I ended up picking out a stunningly fitted white dress that showed off my curves perfectly. Then I applied a light amount of makeup and looked over my shoes. Let's see: Blue and gray wedges, red stilettos, nude flats, black flats, and.... Sparkly white heels. Perfect. I put them on and walked up to my mirror, looking at myself. I looked good. "A stunning image of your mother." My pack's Alpha said walking up behind me.

"Thanks dad." He smiled and hugged me. "Are you sure you want to go? Maybe you can wait. I'm sure that your mate won't mind if he doesn't meet you this year." I rolled my eyes. "I'm fine. And yes I'm very sure he would mind. I know I would."

He laughed and patted my shoulder, something I've always hated. I growled a little at him. "Yeah, yeah, yeah I know! You're nervous and not in the mood for me to mess with you. Let's hurry up and get this over with." I smiled and took his arm, him leading me to the car. "Bella, if he turns out to be a jerk reject his sorry tail and come back to me, promise?" I nodded and climbed into the limo.

My mother was pregnant yet again, otherwise she'd be wishing me away. But hey, when you're 6 months pregnant you can do what you want. "Tell mama I said goodbye!" I yelled out the window as it began to move away from the house. "I will!" He yelled back. Once he was out of sight I leaned back and took one last look at the pack house. My pack house.

*Outside Of The Ball*

I felt my nerves start to come bubbling up inside of me. "My lady we're here." The driver, Stanley, said looking at me through the mirror. "Okay, thanks." I took a deep faltering breath. "Miss?" He said as I started to get out of the limo. "Yes?" Someone opened the door for me. "I'm sure he'll love you." I smiled a little and took the waiter's arm. He tall man with dark hair, wearing a black suit with a light blue bow tie.

He lead me to a set of very large doors. "Are you ready to be presented?" He asked me. I nodded. "Yes please." At that he turned and tapped on the door. Yet another man appeared and he opened the door, allowing me through.

"Ms. Bella Templeton!" My name rang through the ballroom. I looked around to see a the women were on one side and the men on the other. Suddenly there was a big applaud and I blushed.

Once it died down I went down the stairs to the side with a bunch of women. I looked around a little, looking for anyone I may know. "Oh my, it can't be can it? Is it my Bella?" A masculine voice said behind me. I would know that voice anywhere. "Daniel!" I turned to see my childhood friend. "Bells!" He swept me into a huge embrace. "How are you? I haven't seen you in forever!" His deep laugh spreaded over my skin. "I could ask you the same! It's been too long." I pulled out of his embrace and looked at him, studying his features.

"Haven't changed a bit have you? Still scrawny and muscleless huh?" I teased him. Daniel was pure muscle now. He frown and tapped my nose. "Now that's no way to talk to the second highest Alpha in the world now is it?" No doubt my mouth was hanging open. "No way!" He smiled. "Indeed. So, my Bella, would you like to dance?" I nodded and he lead me to the dance floor.

A slow dance was playing and he swept me gracefully across the dance floor. "Quite the charmer aren't you?" I said as he dipped me lowly. "I try." He replys, pulling me up as if it was nothing.

The song ended and another one started. Once again, a slow time. But this one didn't get to last for me. As it began the most delicious smells met my nose. Sweet caramel, spicy cinamon, and... musky woods, my most favorite smell.

Just as the smell met my nose, the doors opened to reveal not one, but three men and they all showed one emotion.


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