Not knowing, knowing...

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It's been two days since Ross and Laura saw each other; what felt like a month.  They were both kind of undecided what they felt for each other. All they knew was that it felt like something special.

On one hand: Ross had his mind twisted thinking what he felt and asking for answers. But maybe he was asking on the wrong way: maybe he had to ask his heart. Rocky put him on a trance, but he was right. Ross never wanted to admit that he liked Laura. Meanwhile everyone already knew how he felt before him.

He was tired to keep lying to himself. He just wanted to scream out the truth. Ever since the show started and ever since he saw those big chocolate brown eyes: he wanted to deny to himself that he fell for his co-worker and best friend. But he always knew that one day every lie he made to his mind would be blurted out to the wind and howling into Laura's ears.

But he wasn't psychic. There was a reason why he never told her anything. Because he didn't knew if that would destroy their friendship. It was too special for him to lose. And she was too special for him to break. He wasn't going to screw it up, because honestly: he didn't knew what he would do what would happens after that.

And no, He didn't knew if he was ever going to tell her how he felt, he didn't knew of he was able to take a risk that may destroy his friendship with her, he didn't knew if he was capable of expressing his feelings! But all he knew was that: he just wanted to see her no matter what would happen.

On the other hand: Laura was kind of the same path as Ross: Not knowing. Her mind would shout out so many questions. After she talked to Vanessa she maybe figured out something: she liked Ross. Every word she said describing him was actually the only reason she would smile if she was having a bad day.

But there was one specified question in her head that would bring up her attention: was she falling for him? She didn't knew If that question would actually have an answer, but one part of her was sure that if she was falling for him then, she would be falling hard.

She was unsure of every feeling she felt. She didn't really knew if Ross felt the same way for her and she didn't wanted to ruin their friendship. It was like she wasn't allowed to feel this way because he was too special for her. But she really didn't knew what she felt that day. It was like she got completely mesmerized by him.

But she thought that she was crazy liking her best friend. But all she could do was just tell herself the truth and admit that she liked him. She'd already admit it with Vanessa. Now it was time for her to admit to herself.

But a side from all of that: She just wanted have her best friend next to her.

....:::...she wanted him to with her....:::::::::.

Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter, but I had to put you guys out of the cliffhanger. I hope you guys liked it and SORRY for a really late update. I couldn't leave you guys hanging. A lot of stuff is about to go down with Ross and Laura's feeling for each other so stay tuned!!


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