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Yoongi's POV


I realized that I was the only one in the library now. Did she disappear right in front of my eyes? My brain couldn't process what just happened.

Y/n is gone?

Did some mythical creature come and just carry her away?

I didn't know who to call for help. If I went to the police, before even taking my complaint, I'd be thrown inside the jail for illegally breaking into her college.

My heart was pounding so fast as I held my head in frustration. Then I saw something lying on the floor so I reached for the object. It was her phone and the book she was holding.

Staying here any longer would be of no use so I left the building just like how I came in with her phone and the book.

Your POV

Feeling heavy in the head, I slowly creeked my eyes open to find myself in a rich looking room.

Alarm and fear rushed down my nerves looking at the unfamiliar room I was in.

My instincts did a great job predicting worse things were on their way the other day.

Sliding out of the silky bed I stroll towards the window peeking out. The entire area was filled with huge mansions just like the one I'm in.

It seemed awfully quiet in here.

Padding towards the door, I turned the knob expecting it to be locked but surprisingly it wasn't. I opened the door stepping out of the room staring at the place with my mouth wide open.

My kidnapper must be hella rich.

I continued to wander around this corridor for a few more minutes before getting down the stairs.

Taking a glance of every furniture that was neatly polished, my eyes land on something familiar.

A black hoodie

Walking towards it I run my hands over the fabric.

Could it possibly be that hoodie guy?

It's not like he is the only one who owns a black hoodie, right?

Spotting a mobile on the sofa table I pick it up turning it on.

"Ahem ahem," I heard a male's voice behind me. I slowly turned around to be met with an extremely handsome yet unfamiliar man.

"Uhm... Sorry," I said placing his phone back on the table.

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