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Your POV

I sat in my bedroom pulling out the diary from under my pillow.

I would say I've read about 15% of this book as of now. I can tell that this was written by an anonymous girl who was kidnapped.

I continued to read from where I left.

"Loneliness began to engulf me as I sat in the same dark room for weeks. Kidnapped by these heartless vampires, I cried thinking of my mom and sister.
I yearn to go back home every second. My father passed away when I was small so my mom was everything.

One day I overheard these vampires, talking about getting rid of me making my heart race in the fear of death.

I must kill my capturers and escape this place. Since I was conscious when they brought me here, I know how to go back to my own world.

The day I finally get to put my escape plan into action had come. The room I was locked in, had an attached restroom.

I found an iron rod perched in the corner of the wall so an idea kicked in. That afternoon, when one of them came in to give me lunch, I pretended to have been lying down unconsciously with the iron rod hidden behind me.

The man panicked seeing me unconscious. When he came close to wake me up, I striked the iron rod at his head knocking him down.

The other man was not difficult to dodge. I kept running and running until I reached the dark side of the city. The door to the parallel world was somewhere close by. I still remember how they brought me here.

I finally found the door and went back to my own world. I had finally escaped!


A few weeks had passed by. No one came insearch of me since the day I had escaped.

I am now a happy teenager who started going to college. That day when I walked back home, my mom was excited to see me.

Mom kept questioning me like, "Oh sweety! How have you been? Are they feeding you good in the hostel? How are your studies?" and I had to make up replies to make her think I was happy.

I met this really sweet girl named Jennie. We've become really close in the past days. I could call her my only best friend!
We've been together for about a month and she has changed my life so much.
We got along so well.

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