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I decided to bunk class by visiting the library to look for the book that wierdo asked me to.

When I enter the huge library my eyes travel to the only soul sitting in one of the tables with her head immersed in her book.

Walking past her, I reach the non-fiction side looking for the book I had come for. My vision lands on the middle of the 3rd rack looking for the title I had been come for.

My eyes spot every other book on the shelf except for the one I was looking for.

Crossing my hands, I stand there in a confused state wondering if I'm looking in the right place. That's when I realized a shadow close by.

Turning my head, I found that girl reaching her hand out for a book.

"What are you looking for?" She asks.

"Black Magic but I can't find it."

"Hmm... it must be somewhere here," She said scanning the entire shelf.

"Ah! Here it is," She pointed to a book in the far corner.

"Thanks. You are?"

"I'm Tzuyu."

"And you--" She paused hearing her phone beep from her pocket.

"Sorry I gotta go," She walked away in a hurry.

After a few minutes, I hear the door slam shut making me jolt my head towards the source of sound. My face contoured with disappointment seeing the guy who caused me trouble yesterday.

"Haha look who's here all alone," He chuckled walking towards me.

"If you annoy me again..." I warned.

"What? Like you can fight me," He continued walking forward.

At that moment, my phone buzzed in my pocket so barely glancing at the caller ID, I called for help.

"Please help me I'm in the college library," Was all I ranted before hanging up.

"Coward little bitch. Sending your senior to get your phone from me? You tryna rag me or what?"

Hoseok's POV

Leaning against the lockers, I stood there with my books waiting for Y/n since we had our next class together.

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