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In the next 10 days, the Total Solar Eclipse is about to happen. This happens only once or twice in a hundred years. On the day of Solar eclipse, we gain extra strength and can hunt 70% more effectively..."

I assumed whatever Jimin told to be a lie because he wanted to gain my trust. So he put the blame on Taehyung by building up a fake story.

But no...

Maybe he lied..

But he also said the truth...

His story was true but the thing he lied to me was replacing his name with Tae's. He entirely swapped their roles.

Jimin was the one who tried to kill me. He was the one who wanted my powers.

Taehyung was trying to save me. 

"Y/N! You've been staring out into space for too long," Yoongi called out.

"I was thinking."

"About what?"



"Please tell me what's happening here. I need to understand so that I can find a way out of this for us," He said placing his hand on mine.

I sighed before narrating everything that had happened since I was brought here.

Taehyung's POV

Not caring that I stumbled on my way up, I barge into their room not caring to knock.

The pieces of puzzle was coming into place. I must tell Jin.

"I need to tell you something."

Jin eyed sleeping Jimin before looking at me, "Hmm?"

"What is today's date?" I asked.

"Uhm... August 8th?"

"Do you remember what day is 10th August 2020?" I questioned as Jin only blinked in response.

"The total solar eclipse!" I reminded him.

"Oh... I totally forgot! What about that?"

"Don't you understand! The Total Solar Eclipse is day after tomorrow where vampires attain supernatural powers.

That spirit of whoever died wants to come back to the Vampire World. For them to return as a vampire again, they needed a body. So they decided to use Jimin's!

They had been waiting for this day, 10th August so that they could completely invade Jimin's body by killing Jimin's soul," I told.

Jin was flabbergasted that his eyes expanded.

"If we find out who has possessed him, it would be easier for us to get rid of him."

"This kid is clever isn't he?" Jimin opened his eyes.

What the...

Your POV

"...and so they sent me to fetch the priest from the Vampire Temple. That's when I saw you. After we came back-- ugh," I stopped talking when I felt this sudden pain in my head.

I felt dizzy and my body started to ache. I had this urge to throw up immediately.

"What happened?" Yoongi questioned.

I heard him but didn't have the strength to reply. My throat felt extremely dry like it was craving for some sort of liquid.

"Wa-water," I managed to ask him and he got me the jug of water from the dining table.

No matter how many gallons of water I swallowed, I couldn't quench this thirst. Suddenly the male opposite to me seemed so tempting.

Then I realized that this thirst wasn't for water but for blood. Before I could harm my friend I asked him to get away from me.

"Y/n.....y-you have fangs," He blurted out.

"Are you turning into a vampire?" He was still in front of me.

I gestured with my hand for him to go away and he immediately left the place, running upstairs.

This hunger in me was getting intense making me wanna pass out.

Taehyung POV

"I considered sparing your life but seems like you leave me no other choice," Jimin said.

"This is not fair. Leave him alone," Seokjin said but he immediately stormed from the bed choking him.

My eyes searched for the holy cross which we used earlier but it was too close to Jimin.

"G-get the holy water from that suitcase," Jin managed to croak out.

I ran to the suitcase to get him the holy water but right when he was about to hand it over, the door opened against me making the bottle in my hand fall down and shatter to pieces.


"Who the heck is it!" I was completely pissed.

"G-guys, Y/n is turning into a vampire!" It was the new guy who barged.

"What," Jin asked him.

Jimin chuckled evilly eyeing the broken bottle. In no time his attention switched to me before lunging towards me.

I kept trying my best to dodge him when I saw Yoongi taking Jin out of the room.

We fought until I fell on my butt with Jimin on top of me. The shattered glass and spilt holy water next to us caught my vision. In matter of seconds, I touched my hand on the holy water splashing it on Jimin a few times until he was loosening up.

After that, he lifelessly fell on top of me and it didn't take me long to shove him aside.

But for now, I was disappointed with Jin more than Jimin for leaving me like that in such a situation?



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