Chapter.6 Just a Regular Day

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Aaron P.O.V

I woke up happy as ever. Nani is finally my girl. I hopped in the shower for half an hour got out and put on some boxers. I put on some black harem pants with a black graphic muscle shirt. I grabbed my duffel bag and headed to the studio. When I got there I seen Nani walking in. I walked behind her the whole time. She was about to walk in but she stopped. She turned and she smiled when she saw me.

Aaron: hey babe

Nani: hey

She gave me a hug and a kiss and we walked inside. She was wearing some tights with a graphic tee with a red flannel tied around her waist and some black Supra's. My baby was looking mighty fine especially with that ass in them tights.

Nani: is you gone stare at my ass or what

Aaron: I'm sorry it's out there (smacks her ass)

Nani: what is with you and my ass

Aaron: don't blame me you got a fat ass

She shook her head at me. Kaelynn and Ray busted in here with Chresanto and Leslie. Nani had a mean look on her face. If looks could kill Leslie would be 6ft under.

Nani: what are they doing here

Ray: I told them it wasn't a good idea but they didn't listen so yeah

Nani: you know what I don't even care anymore as long as they don't get in my way but anyways the boys need to go next door so go

Chres: why

Aaron: were working with the dance teacher next door now c'mon you can bring yo girl of you want

Chres: aight c'mon Leslie

Aaron: aight I'll see you after class babe

Nani: ok

I gave her a peck on the lips and we the boys and I left. I seen Chres glare at me but I shrugged it off.

Nani P.O.V

After the boys left the girls and I started our stretches and the day went on.

Tyga P.O.V

I woke up and saw Honey laying on me. I moved slowly out the bed not trying to wake her up and hopped in the shower. I put on some true religion jeans with my Last Kings shirt and some Tim's. I put on my chains Rolex and brushed my head a lil bit. I seen Honey fully dressed.

Honey: morning

Tyga: morning babe where you wanna eat at

Honey: IHOP but we should take Nani with us

Tyga: she's at practice you wanna wait for her

Honey: yeah lets go see them

Tyga: aight

We hopped in my car and headed to the dance studio. When we got there I seen Nani and Kaelynn going over some moves. When she saw me she waved.

Olivia: the boys are next door if you wanna see them

Honey: ok I'm gunna see the boys real quick

Tyga: aight

She got up and left. Nani turned on the music and they did the dance it was good but still needs a little more work. Few minutes later the class was over. They all gave each other hugs and left so it was just Nani and Kaelynn.

Tyga: you guys are good

Nani: thanks still needs some work

Tyga: well c'mon we going out to eat

We walked out the room and saw the boys walking out with Honey. Honey looked very happy. We told the kids to walk ahead while I talk to her.

Tyga: whats going on

Honey: I don't like Chresanto's girlfriend she is so rude

Tyga: what happened

Honey: I was like whats your name and she was like Leslie why and I was like just asking and then she gone roll her eyes I was about to beat her ass

Tyga: it don't look like the girls do either

Honey: how you know

Tyga: cause she was with the boys and the girls didn't even notice her and she's hanging with the boys right now look

I pointed to them and Nani and Kaelynn were talking and Leslie was with the boys. We just laughed. We got in the car and dropped everyone off. We went back to my house so Nani could get ready.

Nani P.O.V

I went up to my room and took a quick shower and lotioned up me legs. I put on a red with white polka dot halter top dress with white Tom's. I put on a white cardigan on and curled my hair. I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs. I made sure I put the security code in and hopped in my dads car.

Tyga: took you long enough

Honey: nigga you aint dying

Tyga: I am if I don't get any food in my mouth

Nani: you'll live

We pulled up to IHOP and got a table. They handed us our menus and I started looking at the pancakes. I put my menu down ready to order. We ordered out food and the waitress left.

Tyga: ok we got some news to tell you

Nani: is it good

Honey: yeah

Nani: spill

Tyga: Honey and I are together now

Nani: finally now I have a mommy

Honey: and you will have the best mommy ever

Nani: yay

We just talked and hung out all day just the three of us. I now have a real family that loves me

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