CHAPTER.26 Regular Day

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Austin P.O.V

I woke up and smelled food. I went downstairs and saw everyone eating. Honey handed me a plate and I didn't waste anytime eating it. When I was done I washed my plate.

Nani: today I'm gunna go seriously shopping in Tilly's

Kaelynn: yup the new clothes and shoes that just got shipped in is so cute

Olivia: yup

Austin: then what are we waiting for people's lets go

Nani P.O.V

I went up to my room and did my hygiene shit. When I was done I put on my bra and boy shorts. I slipped on some skinnies with a Cookie Monster shirt and my blue Converse. I put on my bracelets with my blue beanie. I grabbed my backpack and phone and went downstairs. I looked at Austin and he had a Elmo shirt on.

Nani: so you my enemy huh

Austin: what you mean you decided to eat cookies

Nani: cause Cookie Monster is my cookie buddy

Austin: you know Elmo is the real gangster here

Nani: whatever man

Olivia: you guys are the cutest I swear

Austin: we know that's why I love her

He leaned down and kissed me. We got in his truck and headed to the mall. When we got there we went straight to Tilly's. I bought everything that was new. When we were done we put our bags in the trunks. We walked back in and headed to the food court. Olivia and I went to go get burgers for us and Prince and Austin. As we were walking to the table we see two girls by them.

Nani: do you know them

Olivia: nope

We went to them and set the food down. We just stood behind the boys as the girls gave us glares.

Olivia: babe who are these girls

Prince: I don't know umm who are you girls

Girl #1: their girlfriends and why the fuck are you calling my man babe hoe

I just laughed these girls really think that.

Nani: you actually believe that so if they were you guys men then why would they do this

With that we grabbed their faces and kissed them. I slipped my tongue in Austin's mouth and we had a tongue war. When I pulled the way the girls were putting up their hair. We tied up ours getting ready to fight. The girl went up to me and swung. She missed and that's when I attacked her. I pushed her on the ground and started beating her. She got a few hits but that made me even madder. I stomped her twice and that's when I was pulled back. I didn't even put up a fight.

Austin: damn baby you fucked her face up real bad

Nani: I lost my appetite i wanna go home

Austin: aight come on

We round up everyone and went back to my house. Soon as I got through the door I ran to the bathroom and my breakfast came out of my mouth. I felt my hair being lifted up. When I was done I brushed my teeth real good.

Austin: babe what's wrong

Nani: I don't know

He felt my head and said it was real hot. I went up to my room and changed into some basketball shorts. My mom and dad came up and felt my head.

Honey: baby your burning up

Nani: I know I'll just take some medicine and will be all better it's nothing

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