Chapter.13 Leaving

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Michael P.O.V

I woke up to Nani and Kaelynn jumping on us. I picked both of them up since I'm strong like that and swung them around. When I set them down they fell.

Nani: my butt hurts now

Honey: you girls go get ready and I'll make some breakfast

All of a sudden Chris came on here and pushed Honey downstairs. I just looked at him like 'nigga'.

Chris: a nigga is hungry and she make some bomb ass food

I just shook my head at him and got ready.

Nani P.O.V

I put on black tank with my oversize blue 'Thing 1' hoodie. I then put on my black leggings with my blue and black hightop Supra's. I tied my hair in a ponytail with a blue bow on top. Kaelynn had the same think as me on but it was in red and her hoodie said 'Thing 2'. We walked downstairs to see my dad and Chris already grubbing on the food.

Kaelynn: Chris it aint the end of yo life so slow down

Chris: I know but I just want one last taste of her food

Nani: he got problems I swear

I then hear King cry. He stayed in one of the guest rooms. My dad was gunna decorate his room while were gone. I went to his room and picked him up. I set him down on the chair and gave him his food. I got a plate and dug in. When I was done I put it in the dishwasher. The doorbell ringed and Kaelynn went to go open it. In came our friends with Chresanto and Leslie. I looked at Chresanto with a death glare.

Chris: ooh you in trouble

Honey: nigga stop instigating

I pointed to the stairs and he obeyed. Leslie was about to follow him but Kaelynn stopped her. I walked upstairs up to my room. I closed the door so nobody would come in.

Nani: when were you gunna tell me

Chres: tell you what


Chres: wait what you were kidnapped

Nani: yes and when I came back you were no where to be found and then you've been M.I.A all of a sudden and when I finally here about you I hear that you got that girl down there pregnant

Chres: look I'm sorry alright and today me and you can hang out

Nani: no we can't because I'm leaving

Chres: where you going

Nani: if you were here you would know that I got accepted as a back up dancer and I'm leaving for the tour today

Chres: what why didn't you call me

Nani: because your stupid girlfriend ignores them all

Kaelynn then bursted in hear saying it was time for us to go. I looked at Chresanto one last time and walked downstairs. I got my luggage and walked outside to the tour bus. It was huge and it had Chris' face on it. After I put my luggage in and gave my mom and dad a hug.

Honey: I'm gunna miss you so much

Nani: I'm gunna miss you too

Tyga: you bee good out there with Chris and aye take care of him

Chris: man you know I'm gunna do that

Tyga: I was talking to Nani

Chris: fuck you nigga

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