Gods Love #FebruaryHasAffection

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I have been broken down and beaten up

I have picked up my broken pieces with Band-Aid covered fingers

I have been destroyed bruised and bloody from love and life

I have allowed anger and sadness to control me

I have looked in the mirror not knowing the person staring back

I have drowned in my own tears swimming out while fighting the sharks of my fears

I have crawled through a multitude of fires with burn marks on my knees

My bones have been squeezed and crush until there was nothing left but black soulless dust

I have laid in a hospital bed dead but still alive

I have been suffocated by my own thoughts

But still i can breathe! Still i am alive!

There are no more Band-Aids placed on my skin my wounds have healed

I have found the sunlight which connects love and life

Anger and sadness no longer restrain me because I have found a best friend in the mirror

I have taken swimming lessons and now I float with dolphins

My knees are strong they show no sign of the burning memories

I have taken the cast off my bones and I have realized I am actually filled with bright red fairy dust

I now lay in rose petal beds

I run free through all life's hurdles like wild horses

I shine bright like the night stars

You may remember me when I was hollow, bare, empty

But i have re-wombed and re-birthed myself

I am filled to capacity with God's love

I'm sorry if you don't know me now

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