1/7/19--Message to @hell.raiser

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1/7/19, 5:23 pm

rainbow_aesthetic: hey, so I was talking to my friends yesterday

hell.raiser: and so. . .

rainbow_aesthetic: and so, when they asked what you're name was, I had to say your username was "hell.raiser"

hell.raiser is typing. . .
hell.raiser is typing. . .

rainbow_aesthetic: you're making me very nervous with the typing and deleting.

hell.raiser: I was going to ask what the big deal was but then I realized how this might sound. Stranger on the internet, username hell.raiser, saying they're in the same school, all doesn't sound very good.

rainbow_aesthetic: yes, it doesn't sound very good

hell.raiser: there isn't much emotion in text, but I get the feeling you're mad

rainbow_aesthetic: I'm not mad, I'm frustrated

rainbow_aesthetic: I just wanted to know if you had a nickname or something I could call you. I don't even have something I reference you by in my head

hell.raiser: you think about me in your head?

rainbow_aesthetic: seriously? That's what you're focusing on? Wow.

hell.raiser: you're right, sorry.

hell.raiser: you could call me Anon. Short for anonymous

hell.raiser: just cause I don't want you know my name yet. and what should I call you?

rainbow_aesthetic: Anona. A female version of Anon.

hell.raiser: suuuuuuuuper original

rainbow_aesthetic: shut up

hell.raiser: so, Anona, is there anything else I can help you with?

rainbow_aesthetic: math homework?

hell.raiser: oh, shoot, sorry, I forgot I have this thing to do

rainbow_aesthetic: really? this isn't even a conversation, you can't take two seconds to think of some excuse?

hell.raiser: my mom is calling me?

rainbow_aesthetic: -_-

hell.raiser: okay, fine. I suck at math. another thing u now know about me.

rainbow_aesthetic: okay, well I don't suck at math, my teacher doesn't it explain it in a way I can understand. another thing u know about me

hell.raiser: here we are, learning more about each other

rainbow_aesthetic: well, now that I know u suck at math, I have to go call my friend to help me with my homework

rainbow_aesthetic: have a nice night, Anon

hell.raiser: have a nice night, Anona

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