Chapter Seven

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She was completely unaware of the pair of eyes that was watching her as she fixed her makeup. She had in one hand a compact mirror while her other hand was busy putting on red lipstick on her lips. Tate thought it was unecessary to do so as she was already beautiful without anything on her face but he couldn't deny that her wild curls and her dark makeup had made her look sultry and alluring. Either way, he loved it. Yuka had on a black one shoulder top that ended just below her ribs and a pair of high-waisted skin hugging jeans that accenturated her figure well. She was a petite, her body lush and perfectly suited to her five-foot-two-inches frame. Tate had never had a penchant for petite women, he had always been attracted to women who he knew who could take him and his appetite in bed. She looked like he would break her in half.

"Hey. What's a beautiful lady doing here alone?" He said as he pulled up in front of her.

Yuka almost dropped the compact mirror she was holding and her eyes widened when she saw the handsome man sitting inside a white Lykan Hypersport car. He had on a pair of Chopard sunglasses that disappointingly hid his beautiful eyes, the luxury sunglasses cost a fortune, but it was not worth hiding those intense eyes.

"Tate." She swallowed back a squeal in her throat.

Cool ka lang, Yuka. She told herself even when butterflies were going haywire in her stomach, her heart, and her head. He was such a beautiful human being. He looked so unreal like a God who had descended onto the mortal world just to grace humankind with its presence. Plus he had a cool car.

Tate opened the door to the passenger's seat and Yuka slipped in. She loved the car. She loved luxury and reveled in its trappings when available, she loved things that cost money.  A lot of money. It was a convenient reminder of one's worth. If she surrounds herself with luxury, she thought, maybe she'd be worth something.

"Hindi ito ang kotseng gamit mo noon, akala ko kung sino na." She chuckled.

"Different cars for different days." He said, smiling and his eyes fixed on the road.

"Baka naman different cars for different babes." Yuka arched a brow.

Napuno ng halakhak ni Tate ang buong kotse. "Do you really think that?"

"Alam ko naman ang reputation mo. Saka marami na akong nababasa na tell-all tale ng mga ex-fling mo tungkol sa'yo. It's no secret, Tate." She shrugged.

"I'm not going to say that it's not true. I don't make it a habit to lie. But believe me when I say you're the only girl I'm seeing now." He gazed at her to see her reaction before turning his eyes back to the road.

"Because I'm the flavor of the week?"

"No. Because I genuinely like you, buttercup." He took her hand and brought it to his lips.

Yuka had her arms encircled around one of Tate's as they walked into the restaurant. Even with her red 3-inch class A Valentino heels on, Yuka still looked tiny standing next to Tate who was more than a foot taller than her. Everybody's head turned to look at them. Tate was an internationally known football star. Even though it was a fancy restaurant where people were 'too important' to even take a second look at local celebrities, people couldn't keep their fascination with his captivating presence. It was like seeing a hollywood star.

Yuka was aware of the envious stares people, women in particular, were giving her. She couldn't blame them. Aristotle St. Croix was every woman's wet dream and more. She, herself, have had her fair share of wet dreams involving the NFL superstar. Hindi niya maiwasan na mapangiti dahil alam niyang mayron siyang isang bagay na pinapangarap lang ng mga babaeng nandoon. She had Tate's full attention.

The Price Of LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon