Chapter Twenty Two

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The honeymoon was over before it had even began. They had only spent one day at the hacienda after their wedding and then they went back to the city. Yvo had some work he needed to tend to and Yuka, after taking a few hundreds of pictures and videos documenting her hacienda life, was starting to get bored.

Yuka moved into Yvo's room. It wouldn't look normal for a married couple, especially a newly wedded one, to sleep in seperate bedrooms. Magtataka ang mga kasambahay kung matutulog silang magkahiwalay and they didn't want anyone to doubt their relationship.

On their first night in their house as husband and wife, Yuka slept alone in his bed. She waited for her husband but eventually her tired pregnant body gave in to sleep. Yvo had been in his study the whole time, he couldn't lay in bed with his own wife. It frustrated him having her sleep next to him, their bodies occasionally touching against each other, her hot breath on his neck as she slept ever so peacefully while he lay there staring at the ceiling, forcing his body not to react to the desires he couldn't acknowlege, much less fulfill. Perhaps, he thought, it was because he hadn't been with a woman for quite some time now kaya ganito ang nararamdaman niya. Maybe it was just his body telling him that he needed to let off some steam. 

It was a retching noise that welcomed him as soon as he opened the door to his room- their room. Agad siyang nagtungo sa banyo kung saan nanggaling ang ingay at nakita si Yukang nakaluhod sa harap ng toilet bowl. He hurriedly went to her and knelt down beside her. 

"Yuka." He rubbed her back in a light, feathery caress and her shoulders loosened, a small moan of relief escaped from her lips. 

"Okay na ako." She took in a deep breath and turned to face him, giving him an accusing glare while a frown crossed her features. "Saan ka ba kasi nanggaling?" 

"I was working at the lab." He answered, grabbing a towelette that was hanging on the rack. "Are you sure you're okay?"

Tango lang ang naisagot niya. Her morning sickness comes and goes. There are consecutive days when it isn't there and just when she thought she had gotten over that phase of her pregnancy, it comes back again.

"Here, let me help you up." Yvo gently pulled her up.

"Okay lang. Kaya ko na." She said, heading straight to the sink after flushing the toilet. She didn't want him to smell the bile she had just thrown up in the toilet bowl just seconds ago so she hurriedly gargled mouthwash. 

"Have you had your breakfast? Gusto mo ba na magpaakyat na lang ako ng makakain dito?" Yvo was still worried about Yuka.

Humarap siya sa asawa at umarko ang isang kilay. "Hinintay kita kagabi."

"Nakatulog ako sa lab. I was working on something and I've lost track of time." Dahilan niya.

"Akala ko ayaw mo na akong katabi.Akala ko naguguluhan ka sakin pag magkatabi tayo. Noon kasing magkatabi pa kami ni Ate, palagi siyang nagagalit kasi para daw akong kiti-kiti 'pag tulog. Malay ko ba, tulog nga ako eh." 

It was true that Yuka moves a lot in her sleep. One minute she was a pillow away from him and the next her arms were wrapped around him, her legs hugging his waist. He was just being careful as he did not want to develop any sexual feelings toward her. Hindi pa rin mawala sa isip niya ang offer nito noong wedding night nila. He was mad that she'd offered sex the way she did but it would be a lie to say that it wasn't a tempting offer. He hadn't been with a woman for quite some time now and every now and then, fragmented memories of that night with her underneath him would cross his mind. 

"No, it's not that." He gave her a reassuring smile and then his hands went to her tummy. It was hardly noticeable yet but there was already a small bump. "You worry too much. Baka makasama sa baby." 

The Price Of LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon