Tears for Days

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When I heard that Erika was moving to LA, I broke my heart, but this was her career!

J- Oh ok, thanks

I walked back over and Erika jumped into my arms. I did shed a tear and Erika felt it because she pulled back.

E- Are you crying?
J- What, Pft, no
E- Yes you are

Erika grabbed me tighter and cried harder. I rubbed her back and told her dad.

J- Um she-she's moving to LA, she's crying because she won't get to see me apparently
D- Aw, she loves you
J- She loves me?
E- What?
D- You Guys are serious? You haven't said I love you to each other?
J+E- No...
D- Omg! You guys clearly love each other! Erika when you moved here you and your last boyfriend were together for 1 year and you didn't cry
An- Yeah and Jake when your ex moved, you didn't cry at all, you just said bye and moved on, now your crying for her and she's crying for you, and you are saying you don't love each other?
J- No we didn't say that, we said that we just haven't said it yet
C- Jake it's doesn't matter, you guys clearly love each other

Erika looked up and me and I looked at her.

J- When are you leaving? *voice cracks*
E- I think next week *crying*

I teared up more to the point where tears were coming down my cheeks. We hugged really tight, then we pulled back and we got to leave. Erika decided to not leave with the girls but to leave with me. She wanted to spend every second with me so we went back to my phone and up to my room. We lay on my bed and Erika cuddled up close to me, then I realised, I'm ready.

J- I love you

Erika looked up at me and smiled.

E- I love you too

I kissed her and she kissed back. When we pulled back, I kissed her forehead and we were really tired so Erika took off her leggings and hoodie and was left in her underwear. I put on some joggers and went shirtless, then we got into bed and cuddled up close.

E- Tiger
J- Yeah?
E- I don't want to leave you
J- I don't want you to leave either but it's your job, and we can still FaceTime everyday and text, so it will just be like you are on vacation
E- *sighs* Ok

I kissed her forehead and she smiled at me.

J- Goodnight cutie, I love you
E- Goodnight tiger, I love you

We kissed and fell asleep.

I woke up and kissed Erika to wake her up. When she did, she immediately smiled.

E- Good morning tiger
J- Morning cutie

We kissed and I looked at her, this time she was sad.

J- Whats wrong?
E- It's just, I won't get woken up by you when I leave for another 2 months...
J- Oh, come on, lets go have breakfast and get your mind off it
E- Ok fine

I gave Erika one of my shirts and we walked downstairs. When we got down, I saw my brother Logan.

L- Brother Jake and a hot girl!
J- Brother Jake and his girlfriend!
L- Pft Yeah Right
E- What?
L- You Guys Are not dating, she's a Victoria Secret Model
E- And? I may be a model but I'm also his girlfriend
L- Prove it
J- Why should we have to
E- Come on, lets just have him

Erika grabbed my face and I wrapped my arms around her waist and she wrapped her arms around my neck. We pulled back and Logan had his arms crossed.

L- Whatever

Me and Erika started laughing and then we made breakfast together. While I was putting our pancakes on our plates Erika said something I never thought she would.

E- I'm not going to LA

(663 words)

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