Of Course...

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Wo Fat and Lee lived a beautiful life together in the Philippines. Full of love and friendship and their relationship was perfect. Being married for 3 years had done a wonderful thing for their personal self esteem. They believed they had true love. Wo Fat was a businessman and Lee sung in bars and clubs. She had even put out her own album. It sold a lot in America and around Asia. She might have made a million sales but she sold thousands which was good enough for her. Wo Fat was so proud of her.

  Lee finished her set on stage in one of the popular tourist bars, and went backstage. It was going on 8pm and Wo Fat wasn't answering his phone. She called him again and got his voicemail. It never went straight to voicemail. She called his bodyguard, he answered immediately. He sounded scared when he heard Lee speaking to him.

"Angelo, Where is Wo Fat?" She asked impatient.

Angelo stuttered and stammered. "He had to take a trip."

Lee sighed, "Ok sounds easy enough, where to?" She asked, putting on her boots.

Angelo didn't answer.

 "WHERE DID HE GO ANGELO?" She yelled into the phone.

"To Hawaii. To...meet with your father." He said.

 "He's going to meet with your real father." Angelo said.

Lee stared blankly into space. "Angelo, come pick me up and take me to the airport." She said calmly.

Angelo came by and picked her up 20 minutes later. She had one overnight bag and a ticket to Hawaii that left at 12am. She knew SangMin still had connections in Halawa. She'd get SangMin to set up a meeting with Steve.

She spent hours pacing around in the airport. Scared for Wo Fat, the last time Steve was around him, he got severely burned. After they tied the knot, Wo Fat told her everything. Doris was glad to remind him of all the horrible things he had done. Thanks to her, she had to learn about all the things he did to her father. She was certainly curious about Steve and who he was and what he would think about her since she was coming to Hawaii to find his mortal enemy.


Steve and Danny found out Wo Fat was back in Hawaii after Steve found his blood on a crime scene. There was gun with smudged prints on the handle but the bullet casings had his fingerprints on them. Steve had thought about taking it easy since his Dr. told him about his close call with Radiation poisoning, trying to keep the cancer away.

Danny wouldn't let him out of his sight after that. If it was up to him, he'd try his hardest to keep Steve alive and well for as long as possible. They were in the morgue when they got the DNA results back from Noalani. The DNA from a knife at the scene wasn't in the system but it pulled up a paternal match to Steve. The knife didn't fit in the knife block at the house of the victims, or anywhere else. Steve didn't understand why someone with his DNA showed up when he was sure he wasn't anyone's father.

 Steve and Danny met Jr. And Tani back upstairs in the office. Lou was briefing them on the history of Wo Fat and who he was to Steve. Steve sighed, looking at all of his friends standing around the table.

"So, we just came back from the morgue, the bullet casings have Wo Fat's prints on them, and a knife at the scene also had prints on it but the person isn't in any system but they did come back with a DNA match to me. I know I don't have a daughter though. So, I'm guessing something, somewhere got mixed up somehow."

"So we have to go back and comb the scene or something is going on with your family Steve." Tani said, folding her arms.

"I don't believe that. I think there's something going on. I think someone is trying to set Steve up for something or maybe they mixed his blood with someone else's. I don't know, but I don't believe that." Danny said.

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