The New Friend

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"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!" A voice was laughing like a maniac. I didn't know who it was, but it looked almost exactly like me. In front of the stranger was the bodies of my parents, died, blood overflowing the floor around them. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Why are you doing this?! They did nothing to you! Who are you anyway?!" I shouted to the figure. The figure replied, " THEY FORGOT ME! YOU WANT TO KNOW WHO I AM?! I'M JAX, THE MISSING ONE, THE FORGOTTEN ONE, THE ONE THAT WAS EXILED FROM THE FAMILY!!!", he started to cry, "THE ONE WHO MISSes their brother." "...Still...that doesn't explain why you killed my parents." I said as I start to cry, too. As I said that, Jax looked at his hands and ran away. Then, suddenly, I saw Jax run toward me with a murderous look on his face...

"WAIT, DON'T KILL ME!" I shouted as my parents came into the room. "Jonathan, are you okay?! Please, say you're okay!" Familiar voices said to me. My parents! I didn't know what to do, dismiss them or hug them, but, before I could figure it out, I was pulled into a hug. After what felt like half an hour, we stopped hugging and I asked them if they knew someone named Jax. They said "Yes" and told me about him, how he was my older brother but he drowned in a lake near our old house. "Oh well, I need to go back to bed, I still have two hours until I have to get ready for school. G'night." I said as I went back to bed.

* Two hours later *

I wake up from the alarm on my phone, get ready for my first day back at school, and find a case on the table? I open it and find a guitar, the guitar I wanted. "Thank you, mom and dad." I whisper to myself. I practice while I wait for 7:10. I put it in the case it came in and left a note that says "Thank you for the guitar! I love it and you guys. See you when you get home." When I got to the bus stop, I put my purple headphones on my ears when someone came over to the area. I had butterflies in my stomach and, without thinking, I said "Hi, I'm Jonathan. What's your name?" He replied as soon as I finished the question "Hi, I'm Napoleon Maxwell Sowachowski but call me Sock! How are you?" We talked until the bus came. We sat down and continued to talk until we got off the bus. I ate the breakfast they gave out and went to class. When I got to class, I found Sock in my seat. Everyone expected me to kick him out of it, but I sat next to him. I found out we have all of the same classes. But something happened in music class.

A/N: Credit to the artists

Save Me a Dance ( A Human!Sock x Jonathan )Where stories live. Discover now