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"I'm going to kill you Park Jimin," I mutter beneath my breath.

We have just arrived. An expanse of private beach looms before us and I groan when I think about just how much I'm going to incur the suns wrath while we're here. Sunshine and me? We don't get along. I can wear 50 SPF sunblock, and reapply it every five minutes, and somehow I will still become a lobster. Thank God that the modest cottage Jin's parents had built on the island had at least been commissioned with working central air. I already feel like I'm melting.

"That's fine," I grouse, "Jimin can just be responsible for hauling my purple, peeling self to the ER when I get sun poisoning."

Mostly theatrics, sure. Chances are I won't really get sun poisoning, but I swear that I really wasn't lying about the purple and peeling bits.

"Yo, Avelyn, need any help?"

Hoseok comes bounding up to me, enthusiastic smile on his face as he awaits my response.

I don't know just what it is that Jimin has been filling this guy's head with in order for him to be so persistent, but I have to give it to him. This guy just doesn't know when to stop. The entire ferry ride here he'd been content to chatter my ear off, even if I had nothing to say in return.

Hell, I haven't seen hide nor hair of Jimin since this morning at the airport, but every time I turn around Hobi is there.

I completely ignore him, instead opting to make my way to our lodgings on my own.

So I start down the well worn path, tropical trees that bob and sway in the breeze line each side. Everywhere I look is bright and beautiful, and later I'll probably enjoy it. But for right now, it's only seven thirty in the morning.

Why is it so bright?

Behind me Hoseok follows along. By now his incessant chatter has become white noise, I barely even register it. The rest of the boys are already far ahead, boundless energy propelling them far faster than I can manage. Sleeping on the plane has left me, honestly, a little cranky and disoriented.

And it'd been impossible to sleep peacefully. I've always had a weird thing about sleeping in front of other people. It didn't help that the elderly couple next to me snored the entire way. So I'm still tired too. I'm pretty sure I stumble once or twice, and my eyes are too groggy to see straight. Nevertheless, I continue, grimacing silently.

But then suddenly, someone is screaming, and I am reminded that Hoseok was behind me.

I whip around, alarmed by the sudden wailing, only to be greeted by a sight so comical that I forget I was ever ignoring him. Before him is a small garden snake, and the man is frozen in terror. Looking at his wide eyes, enlarged nostrils, and horrified grimace, I feel incredibly sorry for him. And the snake, if I'm to be honest.

He whimpers at me softly, eyes begging me to help him.

It's quick work, capturing the little guy. And once I've got him in hand, even quicker work releasing him further down the path and away from the still mortified Jung Hoseok.

"Oh God," he moans lowly.

For a second I am afraid he might vomit, and I am hesitant to approach.

"I hate snakes,"

"I can tell," I reply somberly. "Are you going to be okay?"

His head snaps up, eyes wide in excitement this time.

"Wow!" He exclaims happily, grinning ear to ear. "She really does talk!"

I groan, realizing that I have just unknowingly encouraged him.

"Hey!" He shouts, rushing to follow along as I turn and walk away. "Don't clam up on me now!"

I wince to myself, wishing I had just kept on walking. The snake would never have hurt him, he'd eventually have figured it out.

He continues to follow behind, chattering into my ear and causing me to slump even further into myself. Just how long is this path anyways? I could have sworn it was much shorter than this. I can already feel the mosquitos pricking at my skin, and the South American humidity dampening the back of my neck.

I switch my luggage, so that both bags are held in one hand, and free the other to scratch at my neck. I'm grateful to have remembered to pull my honey hued curls back and out of my face. But there's this one spot, just a tad bit itchier than the rest.

It's maddening but no matter how much I scratch it, the itch won't go away. I teeter this way and that as I walk, led by the swaying of my carry on.


I hear Hoseok's voice break through the monotonous hum of white noise and, startled, I miss a step. Because of this my foot meets the ground with more effort than anticipated, and my vision swirls before me.

"Avelyn, are you okay?" He asks.

I shake my head. Though I've managed to catch myself, my vision has become nausea inducing and I suddenly feel rather short of breath. No matter how much air I take in, I just don't seem to be getting enough.

"My neck," I wheeze. "is it swollen?"

His fingers against my neck feel cool, and soft, timid and gentle. I feel my hair, brushing against my skin as he pushes my mane aside, and then a gasp.

"It's swollen isn't it?"

"Very," he replies nervously. "Are you feeling alright? Should I go get Jimin?"

I shake my head in response to his first question, and then, after a brief moment of thought, in response to his second question as well. I attempt to move forward, thinking to myself that I can still administer my own epi pen. I just need to sit down a moment and rummage through my luggage to find it, though I'm pretty sure I remember putting it in my carry on.

"That does make the most logical sense, doesn't it?" I think to myself.

But I've misjudged just how quickly my breathing would deteriorate, because I can no longer draw more than shallow half breaths. I grab onto Hoseok, mumbling apologies as I lean on his willowy frame for support.

"He's sturdier than he looks," I muse.

"Get Jin," I whimper. "Quickly!"

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