Chapter 9:

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Seungmin's P.O.V.

The two boys had spent a little over 3 hours on their photography project, most of the time being spent on Seungmin trying to teach an unfocused Jeongin about the proper camera settings.

At one point, Seungmin became so frustrated that he nearly kicked the boy out of his house.

It was around 7:30 by the time Seungmin packed away his camera for the night. The two boys, both tired from the work, had collapsed on the couch, a movie playing while they waited for Jeongin's driver to pick him up.

A comfortable silence fell over them, the only noise coming from the TV. Jeongin had put his head down on Seungmin's lap.

The boy couldn't deny that the taller male was acting adorable. The facade he always put on, disappearing the moment they were alone together. Seungmin let his eyes drift down to the tired looking boy on his lap. He smiled when Jeongin let out a laugh, focused on the movie that was playing. Seungmin found himself running his fingers through the boy's dark locks.

Jeongin didn't seem to mind.

It was then that Seungmin had begun to pay more attention to the boy on his lap than the movie playing. He didn't want to admit it but Jeongin was actually quite handsome.

Shaking his head as if it would help the thought go away, he went back to playing with the boy's hair only to hear his phone ringing beside him.

No one ever called him so that could only mean...

"Hello mother," he spoke bitterly into the phone.

That seemed to get Jeongin's attention, as the boy sat up and faced Seungmin.

"Seungmin, good to hear your voice. I've missed you. "

'Doubt it,' Seungmin thought. He could hear the familiar voice of her fiancé, Tom, in the background.

"If you missed me so much, why are you always going away?" he spoke, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

Seungmin stood up, walking into the kitchen and Jeongin following shortly after.
"Come now Seungmin, let's not fight, ok? I've got some wonderful news!"

"Oh ya and what's that?" Seungmin rolled his eyes. If his mother said that she had wonderful news, chances were it wasn't wonderful. At least not for Seungmin.

"Your sister and her boyfriend are getting married!"


Seungmin felt his heart drop. This had to be some sick joke, right? This couldn't be happening, right?

"I'm so happy right now, I've already contacted the wedding planners. We'll be coming home tomorrow so your sister and her fiancé will be staying with us for a while! Isn't that wonderful?"

He felt sick. Seungmin felt physically sick. His mother's voice faded off as Seungmin's mind went back to the horrible night. He felt dizzy.


He barely heard his mother calling his name, before dropping his phone and rushing over to the bathroom where he hurled his stomach contents into the toilet. His mind was fuzzy, a loud buzzing filling his ears.

He felt a hand rubbing his back as he spat out whatever was left, before falling back against the wall in tears.


Jeongin's P.O.V.

Jeongin was, at that moment, feeling quite pleased with himself.

After purposely annoying Seungmin, who was trying to teach him how to use the camera, the two boys had collapsed on the couch. Jeongin, feeling especially tired from last night's party, had placed his head in the smaller boy's lap.

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