Chapter 19: Finale Part 1

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I apologize chinguzz for the wait... 😔 I've been so incredibly busy with graduation and assignments that I couldn't find the time to finish this story. I know I said I was gonna end it all in one chapter but it would have been to long so I'm continuing the second part to finish's it off. It's hella cringe cause honestly I didn't take the time to properly edit and write it so sorry in advance!!! 😭😔


Jeongin's P.O.V.

"Come on you idiots, we got two days and I've spent over 1,000 a night on this stupid house." Jeongin let out a low growl as he tapped his fingers against the car's steering wheel.

"Don't worry we'll have plenty of time together."

He looked over at the smiling boy next to him, his brown hair grown out much longer, strands falling into his eyes.

He grunted, looking forward again. "I know... but with the amount of time these lots are wasting we might never get there."

Just then 4 boys made there way into the car, there voices loud and excited.

"Fucking finally!" Jeongin yelled starting up the car. "You guys better pay for you own fucking snacks..." He mumbled.

The idiots weren't listening of course.

Seungmin's P.O.V.

Plenty of snacks, bathroom breaks and 6 hours later Jeongin pulled up in front of the rather lavish beach house.

Seungmin's was the first to step out of the car, a cool breeze hit his face and the sound of seagulls could be heard.

About 8 meters or so down the beach rested the aquamarine ocean.

Seungmin smiled closing his eyes.

"What do you think?"

Seungmin felt warm arms wrap around his waist.

"It's beautiful."

"Save that shit for later love bugs- Its nearly 4 and I wanna get a swim in before night falls."

Hyunjin brushed by them, a bag in hand.

Jeongin frowned rolling his eyes.

"Don't worry, we'll have lots of time." Seungmin whispered in his boyfriend's ear.

5 months had gone by. Seungmin had sorted things out with his mom and got enough money to pay for all his necessities and needs. He moved out of Jeongin's place and into his own condo that had an amazing view of the city below.

Jeongin spent a lot of his time at Seungmin's place, in return for staying he cooked and occasionally cleaned.

The group of boys made their way up to the beach house steps.

Seungmin held tightly onto his lover's hand and smiled.

He couldn't deny he was a little excited to be spending a weekend with Jeongin and his friends.

The interior of the house was just as lavish if not more than the outside. The walls were white and the furniture was modern yet cozy. A kitchen and bar sat to the left of them and to the right sat the seating area and a very large to.

There was a glass panel at the back and Seungmin's eyes widened as he caught a brief glance at the hot tub. A large fence surrounded the back giving them the privacy they needed.

Upstairs there were 3 bedrooms and one master suite although all the bedrooms looked like suits in Seungmin's eyes. He plopped down on the light blue covered bed.

The rooms walls were all glass except were the bed leaned against. Seungmin had a perfect view of the beach and sea.

This was paradise.

There bathroom included a large shower and bathtub.

Everything about this place screamed money.

"So, what you think babes?"

Seungmin scoffed.

"I love it but don't you think it's a little much?"

His boyfriend frowned putting down their bags.

"What do you mean?"

He looked around motioning with his hands to the room. "I just mean that I don't want you to waste money on us... We would have been just fine at one of the resorts."

"First off it's not a waste of money if you got tons of it and second I'm happy to spend it... On you and the boys."

Before Seungmin could reply Minho burst in with Jisung trailing being him.

"Right well we call this room."

"You high bro? Seungmin and I already called this room."

Minho scoffed. "It would be a waste in your case."

Jeongin leaned forward getting closer to his friend's face.

"And what exactly do you mean by that?"

Minho rolled his eyes.

"Why waste such a spacious room if all you two are going to do is sleep if you know what I mean."

"Why you little-"

"Jeongin stop!" Seungmin stood up pushing his boyfriend away from his friend who held a smirk on his face.

"Let them have the room... the one beside us has just as good of a view." He smiled up at the angered boy and took his hand leading him out.

Jeongin sneered at his friend following behind Seungmin.

"Who knows Jeongin, you might actually get laid this time!"


Their door slammed shut.

Jeongin slammed his fist on the door.

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