Chapter 16:

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Sorry for the late update lovies... :'(

P.S. This story will probably end at 20 chapters :( but don't worry!!! There will be a continuation of this book except it will focus on Hyunjin and him finding love!!! Can you guess who??? ;)

Enjoy the story!!!

🦊  🦊  🦊  🦊  🦊

Seungmin's P.O.V.


"Baby I'm sorry."

Seungmin ignored the voice calling out to him from behind the door and focused once again on his English assignment.

He wasn't giving in that easily and after their argument, it was going to take more than an apology from Jeongin to set this one straight.

Seungmin tried to focus on the work in front of him but Jeongin continued to pound on the door.

"Look can we just talk about this? I get it your mad but like I don't know what you want me to do... It's more complicated than you think!"

Seungmin scoffed standing up to unlock the door, coming face to face with a breathless Jeongin.

"What did you run here or something?"

He turned back around, not waiting for an answer and headed back over to his desk taking out his earphones. Jeongin leaned up against the desk looking down at him.

"I know you're not listening to anything."

"Shut up what do you know." He grumbled back keeping his head down.

Jeongin reached over with a sigh pulling the headphones out of the boy's ears.

"Cause there not even connected to your phone dummy."

Seungmin blushed in embarrassment. "I need to work on this, so say whatever it is you need to say and leave."

"Look. I am sorry ok? I didn't mean for things to get so out of hand and I know I'm an idiot and a coward for not standing up for you but you got to realize the position I'm in!"

Seungmin felt anger boil in him. "And what situation is that? It seems to me that your friends probably couldn't care less if you were gay or not considering Minho is practically dating a guy, so that's obviously not the problem." He paused standing up and gathering his books. "I think your problem Is that you're afraid your popularity is going to go down once everyone finds out you're dating a 'loser' like me- sorry I meant 'hooking up' with a loser like me... since it's pretty clear now were not even dating."

He took off toward the open door clutching his books to his chest. Seungmin would have escaped if Jeongin hadn't pulled him back slamming him up against the door, it closing shut.

Seungmin had dropped his books in the process and he looked down were they lay, his paper scattered across the floor.

"Fuck you!" He yelled attempting to push off Jeongin's large body.

When the older didn't move Seungmin began to grow increasingly frustrated, tears threatening to spill. Fuck. Why did he put up with shit like this? All he wanted was for someone to love him and be proud of him... he thought he had found the one...

Seungmin didn't realize he had been crying until Jeongin's large hands wiped away the tears from his cheeks.


He felt his throat clench up, struggling to breathe properly.

"Baby- baby it's ok, take it easy..."

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