Chapter 17:

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This chapter isn't very good... :( only cause I was feeling under motivated and wrote this during our art fair week... I spent so much time working on a painting and now I'm tired. Srry if it's not great.


Seungmin's P.O.V.

Seungmin shouldn't have been listening at the door, but there he was with his head pressed up against the large half opened door.

Hyunjin had been in love with Jeongin.

Seungmin quietly turned away from the door and made his way to the kitchen.

Jeongin wouldn't leave him for Hyunjin would he?

Seungmin brushed away the silly thought as quickly as it had formed. He really needed to trust in Jeongin more.

"Hey, sorry for, that..."

Seungmin watched as Jeongin entered the kitchen. It was quite clear he was out of it but Seungmin didn't say anything.

"That's ok. If you want I can cook for a change?"

Jeongin cracked a sad smile.

"Ha I don't want the kitchen to burn down, we can just order in or get the cook to do it."

Seungmin frowned.

"Are you ok Innie?"

The taller boy in front of him nodded. His head faced down.

"So, should we have Chinese or Thai?"

Seungmin knew he should give Jeongin time but he felt unsettled knowing someone else loved his boyfriend.

"Surprise me."


"I'm going down to the gym for a while. I'll be up before bed."

Seungmin followed after him.

"I'll come with you!"


Jeongin paused lowering his voice.

"Sorry, I just need some time to think."

"Oh, ok..."

He watched as Jeongin descend the stairs, a frown present on his face.

Monday morning and Jeongin was still upset.

Seungmin felt uneasy at how quiet he was being as the two boys were driven to school.

As they pulled up to the school and stepped out of the car, Jeongin reached for Seungmin's hand startling the smaller boy.

"Are you sure you're okay with this?"

Jeongin cracked a smile.

"Of course, I'm not ashamed of you Minnie."

Seungmin blushed at the nickname, following closely beside Jeongin as they walked into the busy school hallways.

Seungmin could feel the stares on him, those around them held stares of confusion and some even of disgust.

"Don't mind them ya? Most of them are just jealous..."

Seungmin scoffed.

"Jealous of what?"

"Of how lucky I am to have such a sexy ass boyfriend that's what." His boyfriend leaned over placing a kiss on Seungmin's reddened cheek.

"Fuck off..." He grumbled trying not to smile as a few gasps erupted from a group of girls nearby.
"Now make sure to call me if anybody gives you a hard time, I'll meet you at your locker for lunch ok?" They stopped in front of Seungmin's class.

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