Don't look back. Not now.

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Her eyes glistened. Hair shimmering in the ocean breeze. She was perfectly silhouetted. Her voice calm like a winter night but truthful like a summers eve. An under estimated ability of knowledge. The 'perfect' human being stood right in front of him. Pure white teeth, pink lips, candy tongue. She was all he needed and more. Nothing could hold back the urge to tell her how he truly felt.

But out of nowhere, there came a coat of drops from the sky. He didn't want to leave her presence quite yet, so he carefully slipped off his jacket and placed it around her tender shoulders. The corners of her mouth creased as she gave out a slight smile, aiming right at him. She leaned upon him. His arms around her waist. She pulled away. He looked confused. She looked into his eyes. He looked back. She leaned in. He leaned in. Their lips touching. But only ever so slightly. Hers felt like velvet. Soft to touch. It was all he had ever asked for.

The tension suddenly dropped. She gripped his hand. Their fingers inter-locking with each other. The moon light illuminating their faces. It was just them. Feelings, emotions and movements flooded his mind. It was almost to perfect to be real. He thought to much. He knew that. He wanted to tell her but he couldn't. If she found out who he truly was, things wouldn't be the same. It's hard to put into context what he wanted to say. So he didn't say it. It was simpler that way. What did she even see in him? His scruffy hazel hair, his green iris'. He couldn't find a reason except his forgiving heart.

'Beau' She whispered.

'Yeah' He replied.

'I think i love you...' Her words trailed off.

He pulled away and looked longingly into her eyes, 'Sarah, I know I love you.'

Beau pushed his lips against hers as their heads in moved in sync. Tears fell from her puffy eyes. 'I'm just begging you Sarah...don't look back. Not now...'



Sorry it's so short! I just thought I'd build the tension before it even started!

Thanks for reading:-)

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