Chapter 4

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On the plane we were sat in pairs, but of course there were five of us and I had to sit next to some random stranger. 

Beau and Skip sat two rows in front of me, were as Luke and Jai sat on the row in front of me. Being the stress head i am, I jolted my head to the right, to be greeted by the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen in my life.

She had black hair, blue eyes, a small waist and a gorgeous smile.

'Hello.' She spoke with confidence. I liked that.

'Hi.' I replied. 'My name's James.'

'Oh, hehe. That rhymed.' She giggled. 'My name's Chloe.'

'Chloe' The name kept running through my mind. Along with her British accent. I stopped staring at her to see Jai hanging over the top of his seat. 

Chloe must've seen him to because I heard her chuckle. I scowled at him as he gave us both a cheesy grin. Jealousy slapped me round the face. And it hurt. I couldn't help it. Jai and the rest of the Janoskians were far better looking than me, Because they were more toned, fans took pity on me. I hated it.


'My name's Chloe.' followed by a giggle was all I heard. I turned and hung over my chair to fine James talking to a cute, and judging by her accent, British girl.

When James turned back round to his book he was about to read, he glanced over and scowled at me. (Over protective much!)

He'd only been to her for the best of 3 minutes...and I can't even look at her without getting the eyes?! What's up with that?!

I heard her snigger at me, so I threw her a big cheesy grin that made her laugh even more. I saw James' eyes well up as he spoke up and said;

'I'm going to the toilet.' and with that, he got up and power walked over.

I almost squealed when I felt a slab on my right butt cheek.


I saw  James speeding to the toilets. He looked like he was about to burst into tears.

'What's up with him?' Skip said as he nudged me.

'I'm not quite sure.' I mumbled with a confused look on my face. I turned around to ask one of the twins, but as soon as I did, I regretted it.

'What's going on slu+?!' I half shouted. There was Jai leaning over his seat whilst Luke was slapping Jai's butt. 

'Luke started slapping my butt!' He shouted. 'Oh yeah, and I'm leaning over the seat because I'm talking to Chloe!' Jai explained.

'Who's Chloe?' I asked suspiciously.

'She's sitting by James. Well, that was before he stormed off to the toilet...' his voice trailed off. He'd just landed himself straight in it.


All I could hear were Beau, Luke and Jai shouting at each other. I felt sorry for Chloe who was in the middle of it all.

I saw a figure emerge from the toilet. He must've been in their for a good 15 minutes or so. He looked at me and i saw straight past the smile that was carved into his face. His eyes were puffy and his were puffy and his skin was pale. He continued to his seat, then I heard everyone asking him if he was okay. The rest of the plane ride was them all apologising and, from what I gathered, Chloe giving James her number.

'Please buckle your seat belts and prepare to land at Birmingham airport in approximately 10 minutes.'

With that, the boys (and Chloe) turned to sit back in their seats. I think that's the stillest and quietest they've been all trip!


We all prepared for landing. I heard beau gagging, he got travel sick and he was sick everywhere anyway. I saw Skip edging away from Beau, but we'd landed before he'd managed to puke everywhere.

'We'll get the suitcases!' Shouted Skip and James shouted. Me, Jai and Beau stood in the immigration/passport control line. They'd let us through, but we got a few funny looks from them. (awkward)


We walked out of the airport when this girl walked up to Beau.

'He-' she was cut off by him shouting.

'RIGHT THEN! PLEASE QUE IN AN ORDERLY FASHION BEHIND THE POST! WE'LL SIGN EVERYONE'S THINGS!' Everything went completely silent. The girl slowly back away. A confused looking Beau came over to me.

'I don't think they know who we are.' I whispered to him.

'Oh God...' He replied.

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