Chapter 2

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I'd just got inside the Brooks household to be greeted, by the looks of it, a displeased Luke. *What's with that sour look on your face?' I said grabbing his cheeks and pinching them between my fingers.

'James get off me!' Luke shouted. Then I noticed the plaster on his chin and began to chuckle to myself. I think Skip had notice it to because he laughed along with me. Luke gave a spine chilling scowl and ran into the kitchen.

Me and Skip strolled in behind him to grab some food for the half hour journey to the airport. I heard a bang coming from the stairs, then a loud screech. Once me and Skip had peeked around the corner, our eyes fell to the bottom of the stairs were a crippled, angry looking Jai lay sprawled across the hallway. 


I heard mumbled voices coming from the kitchen and knew instantly that James and Skip had arrived. I was so excited to go to England! It had been a dream of mine since I had watched an English television programme with my nonna as a child. Although I can't remember what it's called for the life of me! The country was just so different to Melbourne, and  I was eager to explore it. 

I ran out of the bathroom, pushing Beau out of my way as I skidded to a hault at the top of the staircase.

'Jai, you loser! why the hell did you just push me out of the way? Where's the fire bro?!' He said with a grin plastered on his face whilst flicking me on the head.

I don't know what exactly happened after that, but I had lost my footing on the top stair and was suddenly airborne. As my body came into contact with the floor at the bottom of the stairs, I let out a small groan and threw out my arms.

I looked up to see Beau doubled over and almost crying with laughter.

'Your're such a poof Jaidon Brooks! I barely even touched you, you faggot!' He could barely get the words out he was laughing so hard.

'What the hell...' Skip exclaimed as he rounded the corner from the kitchen with peanut butter smeared around his face. 

'BEAU PUSHED ME DOWN THE FREAKING STAIRS!' I shouted, a little louder than I had intended.


'Guys, just shut up for a second, mum's on the phone' Luke said as he walked into the hallway with James following him.

'Yes mum, everything is fine and we're just about to leave for the airport. Quit worrying about us and get back to eating your lunch! You're forever moaning about how little time you get for lunch, yet here you are, needlessly calling me! We're all fine mum. Promise. Love you too, good bye' Luke spoke into the receiver before hanging up.

'Come on sluts, you heard the man. We're leaving!' Beau shouted whilst sliding down the banister. Gosh, he drove me insane sometimes!

'Jai what... never mind. I don't want to know' James started. He had clearly heard mine and Beau's shouting. Oops.

As Skip pulled me up off of the floor, I winced in pain. 

'Ouch! My shoulder hurts!' There was a searing pain through my left shoulder.

'Walk it off bro, you'll be fine. Come on! We've got a flight to catch!' Skip said, a devilish smile playing  on his lips.

Sounds like he really cared about me. Thanks Skip. Love you too. I suppose I would be okay, nothing a bit of rest wouldn't fix.

I grabbed my suitcase from the lounge and ran outside to shove it into the car with the others. Typical that it should start raining the second I stepped outside. 



So, in this chapter my sister Zoe wrote Jai's POV. She will also be helping to write the rest of this fan fiction. Two heads are better than one. 

Thank you guys:-)

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