Music To My Heart * Valentines Special*

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  Lately, me and Kaminari have always hang out after school at the music club to play music. Me with the piano, him with the guitar. This time, both of us composed an original song last week to sing and play to eachother. Valentines Day is already today, so why not a love song? Just for fun.

  As the final bell rang, I headed to Kaminari's class to walk with him to the clubroom. A few minutes later, he's out of the classroom and finally walking with me to the clubroom, not in silence since he's always so talkative.

  Both of us talked about 'how's school' or 'what's your homework? Maybe I can help you with it', stuff like that. The both of us kept chatting, we both have somehow arrived to the music room already, "Wow. That was faster than I thought." I said as I opened the clubroom with it's key and entered the room with Kaminari following behind.

   "Alright. I gave us a week to compose a songto play and sing. Let's start with you first?"  I said as I sat down on a nearby chair, "You got it." He winked as he got his guitar and sat down next to me and got in position to play the guitar, "Uhm, ( Y/N ), before I start, I gotta tell you that I don't really have a nice singing voice, so I hope you don't mind." He said, "It's fine. As long as I got to hear the song, it's fine." I waved it off and began to look at him as he started to play his song.

   The song was nice, calm, loving, basically everything in a soft song you could hear everyday. Although, his voice is the one that made it better. I started to blush a little as he sang his song, which the song soon stopped a few seconds later. I was so mesmerized with the song, I began to space out after the song was done,

  "( Y/N )? ( Y/N )? Earth to ( Y/N )." Kaminari said as h waved a hand infront of my face, "Ah! Yeah?" I said as I was back on Earth and not in my own world, "I'm done, so how was it?" He asked, making a cute freaking face, "It's amazing! You said you couldn't sing, but your voice is amazing when you sing!" I said with a little excitement in my voice, somehow, Kaminari was a tomato.

  "Eh?! Kaminari?! What's wrong?!" I said as I tried to look at the tomato face that he was blocking, "I-It's nothing! Uhm, you can go play your song now! I'll be fine!" He said, voice a little muffled by his hands, "If you say so then.." I said as I got up and walked to the piano.

   I sat down on the chair and placed my hands on the keys, took a deep breath, looked back to see is Kaminari is watching, and started playing my song. My voice sang along as I played the keys. After a few minutes of playing the piano and singing along with it, I finally finished the song.

  I looked at Kaminari and saw that his face was still red, "Kaminari, are you seriously okay?" I asked as I looked at him weirdly, "Yeah i'm fine! It's just that.. uh.." He said, "What?" I asked, "N-Nothing! But i'm fine!" He said as he got up from his seat, "Where are you going?" I said as I followed him, "To get something from my bag, wait here for a moment." He said as he got to his book bag. I sat back down on the piano chair and waited for him.

  A few seconds later, he came back with nothing, "What did you get?" I asked as I tilted my head a little, "Uhm.. this." He said as he showed me a small pink bag with a ribbon on it, "What's it for?" I asked, "Uhm well.. ( Y/N ).." He said as he took a step back, "I have no idea what you're gonna say, but here I go," He said.

  "( Y-Y/N ).. W-Would you b-be my v-valentine..?" He said awkwardly as he bowed down, "No." I said. Oh boy the dude just got rejected. The look on his face was worth seeing, "Eh?" He said, "No." I said again, "O-Oh.. okay then.. sorry for that random thing I did.. ehehe.." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck. By the whole situation, that made me crack up a little laugh.

  "W-Why are you laughing?" He asked, "Oh, nothing. Just the look at your face and your response when I rejected you." I said as I stopped laughing, "But anyways. I have nobody to be my valentine, or am I close to boys besides you. It would be nice to have one, so I guess I will." I said as I got up and hugged him right away.

  For what I felt like in the hug was warmth, protection, and him hesitating to hug back. But he did soon. We both hugged for a while and soon part. I snatched the chocolate out of his hands while he was caught of guard from the hug and started to open it straight away.

  Inside the bag was chocolates, 'so many chocolates in such a tiny bag!' I thought as I grabbed one of the chocolates and started to eat them, "This is so good! Where did you buy these?" I asked as I ate another chocolate, "I made them actually.." He said awkwardly, which got me gasping.

  "You can cook and play the guitar? But not get good grades?" I said which made him annoyed by me talking about his grades. I offered him to taste them, he of course, accepted to taste his own cooking. Hell, even he was amazed that he could cook so good.

  The both of us spent the rest of the time helping eachother doing homework and eating the leftover chocolates until time is up. Luckily the both of us got to finish doing our homeworks and all of the chocolates are eaten. We both packed our bags and started to head out of the school. Kaminari insisted that he would walk me home.

  The walk was silent a little. But it wasn't awkwardly silent. It was nice, calming, like you don't wanna ruin the moment. The walk back home was even better when Kaminari started to hold my hand unexpectedly. I enjoyed the warmth and decided to let it slide in.

  When we finally reached to my house, we both said our goodbyes, but before Kaminark could go I called him again, "What is it, ( Y/N )?" He asked as he came back. I quickly yanked his hand and gave him a nice kiss on the lips, "That's all. I'll see you." I waved as I entered my home, not knowing that he has a flushed face.


You are two days late, wtf man.

Yeah yeah ik ik. I don't know wht to do for Kaminari's since I wrote one forr Tenya's so I needed my time to think. Also I didn't know it was Valentines Day until my digital calender told me. Ugh. Anyways hope you guys liked it! Dunno when is the new chapter gonna come out, but it will soon probably.


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