Chapter VI : New Day at U.A

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Long chapter ahead.

It was finally time I step foot into U.A Academy. Besides when I entered U.A because of the entrance exam. This time, it's for me to actually learn in this school.

Since I placed 1st in the exams, I got into first class, which is Class 1-A. I got up from my bed and did my morning routine as usual.

After all that, I looked at myself in the mirror and thought, 'Holy crap, I feel like a professional just by wearing this blazer.' When I'm done checking myself out, I went dowstairs to have beakfast. My mother who was in the kitchen with my brother saw me coming down and said that breakfast was ready. I nodded and went to the table and ate breakfast.

"You know I'm really proud of you on passing first in th exams. You really did proof yourself." My mother said as she gave me a kiss on the forehead, "Thanks, mom. Now I finally know that I'm capable of becoming a hero." I said as I finished my breakfast.

   "I'm going now, bye!" I said as I worr my shoes, "Have fun on your first day!" My mother respinded from the living room, "Bye big sis!" My little brother, who was not going to school today for some reason, ran to me and hugged me, "Goodbye, ( L/B ) *Little Brother*." I said as I patted his head.

  When i'm finally off, I texted Kaminari to see where he's at. I kept looking down at my phone as I waited for him by a traffic light. I was so distracted, I didn't know somebody was coming up behind me, " ( Y/N )!" The someone screamed my name by my ear, "Holy crap!" I screamed as I nearly dropped my phone. Thank God it didn't fell of my hands.

   I looked at the person who scared meand turns out it was just Kaminari, "Don't do that again!" I said as I punched him on the arm, "Ow, ow! Okay, sorry. No need to be so rough!" He said as he put up his hands in defense, "Now that you're finally here, let's get going." I said as I walked pass him, "Hey wait up!"

  As the both of us walked together to U.A, Kaminari talking his life out of 'what would the teachers be like', or 'I wonder how many cute girls are there' or 'Will I eventually be popular?!' All of those questions and I didn't pay a single mind about them which made him question me whether I have been listening to him, obviously I spoke the truth and said 'No'.

  "We're finally here." I said as I looked up at the school, "Is it me or is the school larger than before?" Kaminari said in shock, "Maybe it's just you. You probably need some glasses." I said sassily as I walked pass him again, "Hey!". While I was in the school, I took off my shoes and replaced them with the given indoor shoes that was in my locker.

  I walked around to know where the map for the school was, luckily, there was one nearby, "So just go there, then there, then there.." I said as I pointed to wherever I was looking at, "Do you even know where you're pointing at?" Kaminari said, "I have no idea!" I responded in fustration.

  It took me some time, but I eventually got it. As I led Kaminari the way to the class, I looked around at the other first years who got picked to be in U.A, 'There sure are a lot.' I thought. When we finally reached our destination, Kamianri, being the dork he is, asked me to go in first, "It's either you being weird, or you just being a scaredy-cat to enter the class first." I said teasingly, which Kaminari was totally annoyed with my teasing.

  Once I entered the class, there were a lot of people. I counted the total seats and total of it being 21, 'Strange.' I thought.

As remembered the number I was given, I looked for the seat with taht number, 'I'm number 16 so I'm right here.' I thought as I reached the first seat in the third row, next to this blonde pomeranian guy who was clearly pissed at something. But I decided to mind my own buisness and not disturb him.

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