Hot Popsicles and Games ( Summer Special )

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   "Aaah... it's so hot..." you said as you sat near the floor fan, "Sis... don't cover the fan... I need it too.." your little brother whined, "Uugh..."

    It was a hot summer day and you and your brother were burning. Your air conditioner was working, yes, but not it's not that cool. Ever since you and your brother kept using the air conditioner, the bills has rised up and your mother has banned the both of you from using the air conditioner. But during summer, you're allowed, but on a low temprature.

     "I'm sweating.." you said as you fanned yourself with your tank top, "Nnnnghhhhh".
You rest your head on the piano keys. The both of you were in the music room as it was the coolest room in the whole house. And that's when you got an idea.

   "Hey, ( L/B ) *Little Brother/Bro*, how about we grab some ice cream?" You said as you shot your head up, "Oh yeah! Sure! I call on the chocolate!" He said as he raced downstairs, and you joined along.

   He was the first to the kitchen. As he opened the freezer, no sign of any ice cream inside, "No ice cream.." He said as he looked sad. When you were finally down, you looked at the freezer and fiddled around some stuff.

   That's when you felt the ice cream box, "Haha! I got it!" You said as you pulled it out. It was vanilla flavoured. Not what you had in mind, but it was ice cream so it was worth it.

    When you opened the box, it wassn't whta you expected, "Frozen fish?" You said, dissapointed. "Aw man! Why is it always fish inside the ice cream boxes?!" Your brother said, "Tell mom. I don't know aswell." You said as you put it back in the freezer.

   "What now?!" You said, "How about we go to the pool?" Your brother suggest, "We forgot to put a pool cover last night, and now the pool is hot as hell it could be a giant hot tub if it was hotter." You said.

   "Let's go buy popsicles?" He suggested, "Great idea!" You said, "I'll get my money. You get ready." You said as you went to your room, broke your piggy bank, took about 400 ¥ and rushed downstairs.

   Your father was downstairs watching TV as usual, "Dad, we're going out to buy some popsicles!" You shouted from the hallway, "Alright. I won't tell mommy. You know she'll get mad if you do buy some popsicles or ice cream." He said.


    When you opened the door, the both of you went out. As you got out of the gate, you saw an unexpected visitor, "( Y/N )?" He said, "Kaminari? What are you doing here?" You said, "I was just about to suprise visit you, but I guess it didn't work out." He said as he rubbed his head.

    "Guess it didn't." You said. "Hey, whose that child behind your leg?" He said as he pointed to your brother, who was hiding behind your leg, "Oh, this is ( L/B ). My little brother." You said as you rubbed his head, "Oh! Nice too meet you little one." Kaminari said as he squat down to shake hands with your brother.

   He hesitated, but shook his hand later on. "Anyways, where you guys headed to this hot weather?" He asked, "'Bout to grab some pops from the store. Wanna follow?" You offered, "Sure! But I have no money." He said as he showed his empty pockets, "Dont worry, I probably have enough for the three of us." You said.

When you guys walked, Kaminari asked a lot of questions. Like, a lot. Most things he talked about during your journey to the store is about your brother. 'Is he that curious?' You thought.

Once you reached the store, you quickly went to the freezer and opened it. The nice cool breeze of frozenness is amazing on a very hot day. "Ahh~ this feels nice~" You said in satisfaction, "Alright. Let's grab our popsicles and get outta here. After we pay of course." You said as you picked your favourite flavour.

After you payed for everything, you quickly opened your popsicle wrapper and started putting it in your mouth. The nice flavour of your choosing was delightful.

"Thanks sis for buying me a popsicle!" Your brother thanked, "Yeah, thanks ( Y/N ). My body would be dying if I didnt have a popsicle today." Kaminari thanked after he ate his ice cream. "It's my pleasure." You said.

When you finally got home, your popsicle finishing just in time, you threw it in a dust bin outside your house and went inside, holding the door for your brother and Kaminari, "Dad, we're home! Oh and Kaminari's here too." You said, "Alright. Have fun you guys in whatever you're gonna do." Your dad responded.

"Hey ( Y/N ), you have video games right?" Kaminari asked, "Yeah." You responded, "Well how many controllers you have?" He asked another question, "About.. 6-7. Why?" You asked, "Woah. Okay. Well I was wondering if the gang can come over and play some games for today?" He asked, "Well, my parent don't mind visitors so I guess why not." You said, "Great!" Kaminari air punched the air.

"Sis, who'se the gang?" Your brother said, "Hm? Oh, just a group of friends of mine." You said, "Don't worry, they do no harm, besides one though." You said as you placed a hand on his head, "But don't worry." You said.

After you offered the gang to come to your house, all of them accepted. Oh by the way, as I mean the gang, I mean the Bakugang. You were quite suprised seeing that Bakugo is coming aswell.

A few minutes about like, 30 minutes, the doorbell rang. You ran downstairs and opened the door seeing that it was them, "Hey! Welcome!" You said as you waved. Mina saw you and waved back, same goes to the rest except Bakugo.

Once you opened the gates, They came in. Min, being your best friend in the gang ran up and hugged you tightly, "Hi ( Y/N )!" She screamed, "Hi Mina, nice to see you." You said as you breaked the hug. The other people said hi aswell. And you lead them to the gaming room.

"This house is huge!" She said, "Ahah, I know." You said as you rubbed your head, "Anyways, heres the room we'll be staying in." You said as you opened the door to the gaming room, revealing Kaminari playing a game alongside with your brother.

"Hm? Oh hey! You're here!" Kaminari said, "Ah and Kaminari's here too. He's been here earlier so yeah.." you said, "C'mon! Let's all sit down. Make yourselves at home." you said as you walked to the couch and sat down.

   Everything went normal, your dad giving you guys some food from time to time, your little brother beating ass on Bakugo in Mario Kart, a pretty normal summer if you ask me.

   Around 8, all your friends left the house as it was already nighttime. You sighed as you layed down on the couch in the living room, "Rough day?" Your dad said along with a laugh, "Playing games all days sure makes me tired, especially when i'm hearing Bakugo screaming every 5 seconds." You said, "Don't worry. You have great friends. When I was your age, I probably didnt have as many friends as you did." Your dad said as he drank his water, "Tell me about that story?" You said, "Alright, so.."

And he told you the rest of his story.

And denki yeeted his way out,


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