Chapter 21. Done with..

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Steffi POV)

Marlee looked back at me with a shocked look. "OH HELL NAH!" She yelled, and was about to run to the door but I tripped her, and put my hand over her mouth. She glared up at me and nodded. I let go of her mouth and helped her up.

We just starred at the view. I don't think I can handle Hayes..

Just then Marlee came an hugged me. I hugged her back. "I'm so sorry Steffi." She whispered quietly.

I closed my eyes and felt a tear roll off my cheek. "Why does all of this Shit have to happen to me?" I whispered.

I felt a tear drop on my shoulder which means she was shedding some tears too.

"We have both been through tough shit.. I think that's another reason why we are Best Friends." She said while slightly giggling.

I smiled an broke away from the hug and held her shoulder and looked into her eyes.

"I know what I have to do." I told her, she rose an eyebrow. "What?" She said her voice trailing for me to continue.

I gulped an took a deep breath while closing me eyes. I'm really going to do this..

"I Think I Need To Break Up With Hayes."

I said loud enough for her to hear she looked at me with a smirk "do it, the brat deserves it!" She practically yelled.

Just then Hayes came out. "Steffani, I need to talk to you." He said, Marlee looked at me then left inside. I looked back at Hayes.

He frowned, "I'm Done With You!" He said and kinda yelled. Then ran bak inside. Wow. That hurt.. I know I still love him though.. But saying 'I'm done with you!' Is pretty much a slap in the face.. And just after we made out!? I wasn't gonna break up with him tonight! I wanted to wait for the right time.

I started sniffling and realized I was crying. I looked out upon L.A thinking 'what's wrong with me?' While I was looking out upon L.A I saw a Beautiful Big house. I know it's for sale.. Hm maybe I should get it. I have the money. simple.

I just have to tell Cam..

I ran inside and found Brady eating chocolate cake.. More like Stuffing her face but.. I looked at her. "Uh want some cake?" She asked with her mouth full. "Gurl! You know we are taking that with us!" I said and grabbed the plate with another slice of cake and ran out to the balcony with Brady on my trail.

"I want to buy that house.. Can you live in it with me?" I said while pointing at the house then looking at her. She had a grin and screamed, "DUH!!" She said and took me down to the ground by hugging me. I laughed, and we both got up. "Wait, why are we moving out? We are only 13." She said and asked. I sighed, "how about I tell you later. I sleepy." I said and smiled at her. She nodded and went back inside to go do what Brady Does. Eat food.

I went inside after her and went straight to my bedroom where I walked in on Hayes.. With Madison. I looked at them and screamed. They both looked back with shocked expressions. I let 3 tears roll off my cheek. I shook my head and grabbed Hayes arm. Tightly might I add. "OUCH!" He yelled I glared at him and her. "Get out of my room." I said loud enough for both to hear.

Madison got up, glared at me and was gone, then Hayes looked at me. He just starred , "Hayes. Go." I whispered quietly. Still letting tears fall down.

He just looked at me. It got to the point where it was creepy. He shook his head, then glared at me and walked out, slamming the door. I ran over to my bed and plopped down. I started crying into my pillow. I wanted to listen to music, so I did. Fire &Gold I put on repeat.

It's one of my favorite songs. I started singing along quietly. "Like an astronaut that's scared of heights." I sang.

I feel so.. Sick. I feel sick. Yes, the way I feel when me and Hayes ever get into a fight. I ran into the bathroom an threw up. AN: she is not pregnant don't worry! ;)

I sat down on the floor, grabbed my razor and as I was about to cut I remembered Cam's words "I will check up on you." Dang nab it.. I threw my razor into the shower and got up. I ran straight over to my closet and grabbed a pair of shorts and a Hello Kitty tank top. I put em on, plugged my phone in, and turned on some music then I ran over to my bed and plopped down. Again .

I clapped so my lights would turn off, they did. I looked up at my ceiling, I have glow In the dark stars. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I wiped it away and turned over to check what time it was on my phone. 11:46 P.M wow it's this early.. Well to me it's early. I decided to go to sleep, I'm pretty sure I need it.

As I was drifting off to sleep I heard my door open, then I felt the bed shift. I wanted to freak out but I was so tired. I felt that person put their arm around my waste wrapping me in a cozy position, and a safe position.

"It's ok." I heard Matt's voice say. I couldn't help but smile knowing he is here for me. I turned around and faced him. I cuddled into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me protectively.

I smiled and drifted off to sleep.. In Matt's arms.


Yay I got to update! Again! 😄 tell me if you wan to be in this story! Also I need to finish up my othe stories.. I've been concentrating on this story a Lot! Can you maybe check out my other stories?? :D bye luvs! ~Steffi :*

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