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They all climb into the back of FP's truck after finding a parking space. "Can you believe someone gave Cooper a hickey?" Fred chuckles.

"I know. Hey, Al did he mention anything about a girl while you were at his place?"

"No, but I guess that's what he meant by saying he had plans later on." She lies, thankful that it's dark and they can't see the colour rising in her cheeks.

"You were at Cooper's yesterday?" Hermione questions.

"Yeah we were working on an article for the paper." She completely misses the look Fred is giving her.

"You joined the paper?"

"Yeah a few weeks ago, glad you pay attention."

"She's really great too." FP beams proudly. "My babe's a journalist." He kisses her forehead and she smiles as she leans into his side.

"Hey, guys!" Mary greets as her and Hal climb up into the back of the truck.

"Hey, you made it!"

"Of course, wouldn't miss movie night." Mary smiles.

"What's playing?"


"We're seeing a horror movie?" Hal sighs.

"You scared Coopie?" Fred teases.

"No, just not really a fan of the horror genre."

"You'll be just fine, if you get scared just curl up next to Alice, she's got more balls then FP does."

Hal's cheeks heat up and Fred looks curiously between he and Alice, the latter of whom is avoiding his gaze.

"I'm going to the ladies room." Alice kisses FP before hopping out of the truck.

She takes her time, wanting to avoid going back to the truck. She doesn't even need to use the bathroom she just wanted out of there.

She takes a deep breath as she leaves and sees Fred at the food kiosk. "Can I get some red vines?" She asks the person running the kiosk. Fred turns to look at her and then starts to laugh. "Whats so funny?"

"You're the leech."


"You're the leech who sucked that hickey into Cooper's neck."

"No I'm not!"

"Yes, you are, don't play dumb with me."

"How the hell do you know?" She hisses.

"I saw the way you two were avoiding eye contact when we noticed the hickey. And then FP mentioning that you went over to his place? I just connected the dots."

"We worked on the paper."

"Yeah well I don't think that was all you did."

"We didn't have sex if that's what you're trying to get at."

He turns to face her and she's glaring at him, though he can see tears glossing her eyes. "What are you doing, Al? You have a boyfriend."

"You don't think I know that?" She snaps. She takes a deep breath and turns away from him, not wanting him to see her so weak. "I'm a shitty person, I don't know what's going on with me right now."

"Do you love FP?"

She turns back to him with tears eyes. "Of course I do, you idiot! I love him more than anything."

"Here's your red vines, that'll be three dollars." She goes to pay but Fred stops her.

"I got it." Fred hands the clerk the money and hands Alice the candy. "Lets go back to the movie."

"Wait!" She catches his hand and pulls him back. "Can you not tell him about any of this?"

"Yeah... your secret's safe with me. But don't hurt him, make up your damn mind before he gets hurt."

"I know... I just need to figure out what I want."

He hooks his arm around her shoulder and she steals a piece of popcorn from him. "If you need some help, call me. Wouldn't be the first time I've helped you make some stupid decisions."

She laughs softly. "Thanks."

The two of them head back to the truck and FP offers her a hand to help her up. "I got us some candy."

"My favourite." He kisses her cheek.

Hal is sitting next to the two of them and Fred can sense the awkwardness. "Hey Coop," Hal turns to him. "You like popcorn?"


"Well come over here then, I got lots to share." Hal moves himself over beside Fred and happily takes some of the offered popcorn. Alice mouths a thank you to him.

She settles herself in between FP's legs as he leans back against the side of the truck and pulls the blanket over them. He wraps his arms around her securely, as the movie starts playing.

She looks up at him and places her hand on his cheek to get his attention. "You know I love you... right?"

"Of course." He takes her hand and brushes his lips against her knuckles. "I love you more." He catches her lips in a kiss and she smiles against his mouth. He tastes like candy and she feels oh so guilty for what she's doing behind his back. Especially since she can feel Hal's gaze on them as they share a kiss.

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