Chapter 5: Trust Issues

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 Ashton sat at the table as Michael cleared it. He watched the brightly colored hairs fall into Michael's eyes. The green emeralds didn't shine like they had just the night before and this saddened Ashton. 

"Are you even listening, Ashton?" Paul asked hitting the table in front of Ashton.

Ashton ulled his gaze away from Micael to see Paul staring directly at him. "Yea, yea...I'm listening," he nodded frantically. 

"Then what did I just say?" Paul's question burned a whole through him.

"Umm...I-I...yea, I don't know what you just said. I wasn't paying attention because no matter what I agree to, I still don't like you. I'm only doing this for my mum." Ashton didn't stutter. He kept an even tone, but he clenched his fist under the table making his knuckles turn white. 

Paul stood up and straightened his shirt, "If you're doing this for your mum, make sure to respect me." He walked to the other end of the table and sat down in his chair. He reached over and grabbed Anne Marie's hand. "So as I was saying, I own a brewery and distilery. I make wine, rum, beer, whiskey, and a limited amount of vodka. I own 5 miles of land which has grapes, ochards, and warehouses sread across it for making these drinks. I had just built my first warehouse and had pattened my first line of beer when your mother wanted to move back to her home town in Australia. I couldn't just up and leave, but I invited you and your mother here to prove how much I love you both."

Ashton opened his mouth knowning exactly what he wanted to say, but Michael stood in the doorway of the kitchen behind Paul and slowly shook his head no. Ashton shut his mouth and let Paul continue. 

"Also, your mum has informed me about your significant other..." he let the silence settle on the room. Paul kept a steady gaze on Ashton to see if his words made any change to his posture or energy. "When you were living in Australia under your mum's roof, she made the rules, but while you live in my house you will follow my rules." As Paul was talking, Ashton ound Michael's sad green eyes again and pitty was written all over his face. Ashton noticed a tear escape Michael like the first raindrop in a golden desert. 

Ashton knew exactly where this was going and he wasn't going to put up with it. "You maybe my father, you may be the man my mum is in love with, and you may own the bed that I'm sleeping in, but you will not make my life choices for me!" Ashton bolted from the dinning table, out the french doors, weaving in and out of the orchard trees. Ashton could hear his mum calling him from the oen doors. Ashton didn't look back nor slow down.

"You have no right," Michael spoke up from where he stood behind Paul. "You can't define him."

Paul rose and turned to face Michael, "Is there something you're trying to tell me then? Are you hiding somethin from me?"

Michael dropped his head, knowning if he told the truth about his identity that he would be kicked out. "No, sir."

"Good, now you need to learn to hold your tongue when not being spoken to or I will revert to being called 'Master Paul," he said colding  towering over Michael. 

Michael turned to the kitchen and began working as he had been before. 

AU: SMUT SMUT SMUTTY SMUT SMUT: If you don't like smut, stop reading or keep reading and fuckking deal with it.

"Luke stop!" Ashton giggled into Luke's warm chest.

Luke tickled Ashton's sides again listening to his boyfriends squeals. "Make me," he said before pressing his lips firmly onto Ashton's.

It was spring break and the boys had been spending the week together. Luke was currently staying at Ashton's for the night.

Ashton pulled back, "Are you trying to pull a move on me?" Luke lay shirt less with Ashton sitting on his knees shirtless as well.

Luke hummed pulling Ash back down onto him. "No, just trying to hear that precious giggle of yours." He rolled on top of Ashton and kissed him passionately.

Ashton pulled back. "No you trying to be the man of the relationship. It's not like you'll do anything though. You're not fun," Ashton pouted.

"I'm no fun?" Luke eyed his boyfriend while grabbing at Ashton's hands. He pinned them above Ashton's head and began kissing his neck and then his chest. He left a trail down his body till he reached his boxers. Ashton let out a little moan as Luke played with the waistband of his boxers with his tongue, scratching down his torso.

"You. Are. Such. A. Tease!" Ashton said between little breathless moans.

As if they had rehearsed this, Luke pulled Ashton's boxers down just as Ashton said "tease" causing Ashton's voice to break. He put his lips on the tip of his cock and licked lightly and Ashton released a loud moan. Luke brought Ashton's cock further into his mouth and sucked lightly. Ashton grabbed a fistful of Luke's blond hair and began thrusting ever so slightly into Luke's mouth. Ashton quickened grabbing at the bed shears and felt him reach his peak. He pulled Luke off him and threw him on the bed next to him.

Luke bounced a little knocking off the lamp and he began to laugh loudly. Ashton pulled on Luke's boxers kissing him on the lips violently. He pulled away, breathing heavily. Both boys were now naked.

"It's okaay," Luke whispered. "I'm ready."

Ashton kissed him lightly, "are you sure? Absolutely sure?"

Luke laughed again, "Don't kill the mood babe."

Ashton sighed and bit down slightly on Luke's ear. "Turn around," he whispered.

Luke obeyed and Ashton put two fingers into Luke's hole. The other hand he used to grab Luke's cock massaging it, then pumping it. Ashton then put three fingers in Luke loosening him up and he pumped faster.

"Are you ready?" Ashton breathed onto Luke's neck.

"Yesssss," Luoe purred.

Ashton slide his cock into Luke letting him adjust before anything actually happened. Luke released a moan as did Ashton. Ashton began to slowly move his hips in and out of Luke. He fastened his pace when Luke started whining for more.

"Ashton..." Luke begged, "faster." He would then moan and Ashton thruster into him.

Then mum walked in and Ashton's world collapsed.


Ashton sat cross legged in a medow that lay just past the last wear house looking out onto the water. He was remembering the best and worst day of his life. He smiled remembering the shock on his mum's face. Of course, it's still a touchy subject with her, but she eventually accepted him as he is. At least that's what he had thought, but then it had only been a month sice the incident.

"Maybe that's why they were here? Maybe my mum wanted to get me away from Luke because she didn't know how else to deal with having a gay son," Ashton thought. 

Ashton decided right theh he couldn't trust anyone. Not even Michael. And he began to sob again letting his surrounding take him in as hetook them in. The running water, the cool breeze, the tall grass brushing against his legs, and the clear blue sky above him. 

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