The Most Awkward Lunch Ever.

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        The first half of school went by in a flash. In my first hour, I would always catch Natsu looking at me with something in his eyes, but couldn't tell what it was. When ever I caught him though, he would wink and I'd look right back down at my paper. I got a weird feeling in my stomach and I didn't know what it was. I better not be coming down with something or I will flip! I don't recognize it as something I have ever felt though. But, it makes me feel all tingly inside.

        When I was walking to lunch, Natsu ran up to me. After pushing his hair out of his face, which literally made girls in the hallway swoon, asked me, "How do you think our two groups of friends will get along?" 

        "Well, looking on how much I enjoy you stupid presence, not so well," I said quite annoyed. I don't understand why he has to hang around me all the time. Just because we made a bet, doesn't mean we have to be best friends. I can still live in my little world and not get involved in his.

        "What's with the look?" he asked.

        "Why do you have to bother me like this? We made a stupid bet, not became best buddies," I whined.

        "That's easy sweatheart, how are you gonna see me be a gentleman if you aren't around to see it?" he asked. We had gotten to the food court and at our small table instead of having just my friends, it had Natsu's friends and a whole bunch of girls who fangirled over them. I could see all my friends were annoyed, even Loki, who is girl crazy. I gave Natsu a pissed off look. This is the exact thing I didn't want.

        "What? We are the most popular guys in the school, we have quite of few friends," he smirked. We walked over to our table and sat right next to Levy, who saved me a seat at the way to crowded table. Gajeel and Jellal were acting flirtatious to the girls while Gray tried to pry Juvia off of his arm.

        "Gray-sama is Juvia's only love!" she yelled. 

        "Get off of me! You are so creepy!" Gray yelled back.

        Levy didn't like big crowds and sat quietly with her head down. I saw a blush on her face because Gajeel was sitting across from her. Erza sat straight giving evil stares to anyone who dared look at her. Even so, Jellal would often getting into something like a staring contest. Loki may be girl crazed but he was also way shy around girls. He sat quietly, avoiding any girl that looked at him. It was probably the most awkward lunch ever, well just for my friends and I. Natsu, his friends, and the rest of the people enjoyed themselves. Natsu was going to pay.

        About during the middle of lunch this girl, Lisanna threw herself onto Natsu. Let's just say I hated Lisanna. She was a nasty popular girl who thought she was better than everybody else. She had curves in all the right places and short choppy white hair. It was really odd because her older sister, who graduated last year, is way kind and sweet. Mirajane couldn't hurt a fly. Well, until you made her real mad, then she would go crazy on you and beat you up. Elfman, Lisanna's senior brother, is an odd guy who is obsessed with being a man. Many people avoid him.

        "Hey Natsu, miss me?" she asked with a ditzy voice and twirled her hair.

        "Yeah sure but could you please get off me Lisanna, I don't want you to get the wrong idea," he said kindly lifting her gently off her. I stared wide-eyed at Natsu. I couldn't believe he actually did that. He usually would have either A. let her sit on him and flirt wildly or B. push her off rudely and not give a thought to it.

        Natsu looked over at me and saw my shocked expression. He gave me a wink and had a look that said,"I told you so!" I rolled my eyes. He couldn't last being this nice. Just because he did it once, doesn't mean he will make a habit of it.

        "But Natsu,I like sitting on your lap," Lisanna pouted, putting on a flirty look.

        "Well, letting you do that might lead you on and I want to stop giving girls the wrong idea," he explained. I was gaping now. By telling people, he meant he was serious about this. Oh god, I seriously do not want to go on a date with that.

        Lisanna pouted and walked away. A couple of girls followed behind her, trying to keep up with her ferocious speed. I smiled at that I would've laughed but I held it down because I didn't want the attention.

        "You like seeing me push away other girls?" he asked smiling that mischievous grin.

        "That girl, yes, I hate her almost as much as I hate you," I said.

        "Oh that's hurts," he said gripping his heart. I laughed and of course, evryone's heads turned to us. When they went back to talking, I saw Levy blush even brighter because her and Gajeel made eye contact. She is so adorable when she is shy. 

        The bell rang signaling that lunch was over. Finally! Everyone got up and scattered to where they had to go. Now, it was just Natsu and his group and me and my friends. It was funny how we all had next period together. As we were walking, it was silent other than Juvia's cries of love to Gray and his creeped out remarks.

        "This whole friend idea isn't goin' so well, I told you," I whispered to Natsu.

        "Give it time, I bet you they will all fall in love with each other," he laughed. I gave him an uhhh no look. There was no way that was going to happen. 

_________________________________________________________________________________Hey guys! Do you think NaLu will happen anytime soon? I'll try to post next chapter tomorrow or Sunday! Please vote,comment, and review! I need feedback! I'd appriciate it! And for those who watched the new episode 198, omg! the feels!!!! See ya! Bye! xoxo AdyLuv

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