|Season 1| |Episode 9 Nets Game|

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Jake and Amy have just left for their cruise and Im working on a file when Charles walks up to me.

"Hey Boyle whats up?" I ask as he sits on the chair next to my desk

"Hey Vince are you free tonight? I was thinking about doing something." He asks smiling.

"I think Im free tonight, what did you want to do?" I ask.

"This!" He says as he takes two Nets game tickets out of his pocket and hands one to me.

"Nets tickets?!" I ask loudly.

"Yeah! Do you want to go?" Charles asks.

"Sure, just  the two of us?" I ask him smiling

"Yeah I figured since Jakes out on his cruise the two of us can do something." Charles says excitedly

"Hold on let me text Gina to see if she didnt have anything planned first." I say taking out my phone.

"Okay buddy." He says.

Hey babe Charles asked me to go to a Nets game tonight is that ok with you?

Sure! I was just going to go out with my friend tonight. Have fun :)

You're the best!

I put my phone back in my pocket and look at Charles.

"Were good man!" I say happily.

"Woo! The two amigos still ride without the third!" Charles yells excitedly

"Yup, we're going to have a great time tonight. Let's get a couple of beers and enjoy the game." I say, looking forward to the evening. Charles smiles and heads towards his desk to get to work as I do the same.

I keep working on my file until later in my shift, I get up and walk to Holts office and knock on the door frame.

"Hey sir, got that file I was working on." I say as I place it on his desk.

"Good... this is good work." He says showing a bit of a smile.

"Youre too kind." I say smiling.

"Not at all, Detective. You have a good work ethic and a strong drive to do what's right. Keep up the good work." Captain Holt says.

"Thank you sir. I'll do my best." I say, feeling proud of myself.

"I have no doubt you will. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a meeting with Sergeant Jeffords to attend." Captain Holt says as he stands up and grabs his coat.

"Of course, sir. Have a good meeting." I say as I leave his office.

As I walk back to my desk, I feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that my hard work is being noticed and appreciated. It's a good feeling, and it makes me want to work even harder to continue to make a difference in the precinct.

"Hey Vince." Charles says as I get to my desk.

"Hey! You ready for tonight?!" I yell as uniformed officers start looking at us.

"Oh yeah! Two amigos ride on!" Charles yells.

"Whats this?" Rosa asks.

"Boyle and I are going to the nets game tonight!" I yell as I high five Charles

"Have fun dorks." Rosa says smiling.

"We will." Charles says.

"Okay Charles Im gonna run home and get changed, meet me at my place?" I ask as I grab my stuff off my desk.

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