Chapter 1

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Chest heaving and my body covered in sweat I practically jump out of my bed choking off a scream and startling my dog. Hair on end she watches me as I gently wrap my arms around myself and remind my self it's just a dream. But my shaking limbs and agonised screams, the feel of a blood splashing across my skin and that horrible laughter echoing throughout my head say it was all so real...

Looking at the sun rising outside and shoving off my giant oaf of a dog I groan. I was going to be late for school at this point. Brushing my mess of hair and pulling on a shirt and some jeans off my floor I some how get ready just in time to leave. Shoving my feet into my converse and grabbing my bag and keys I jump into my car. The huge red astro van may be bulky, but it was my baby.

"Come one Red, don't do this to me today." I mumble to my car as I turn the key but it just makes a clicking sound. After five minutes of ticktickticktick I scream in frustration and place my head on the steering wheel. My phone ringing from a text startles me and I jump, nearly hitting my head on the vans roof.



18 WOO HOO!!!!

I smile at my best friend Casey's messages and again try to get Big Red to start. This time she takes on the first turn and I peel out, getting to class just barely before the late bell. As I plop into my seat next to Casey in our Inquisitive Literature class he nudges me to get my attention.

"Cutting it a little close there." He smiles at me sarcastically and makes a face.

"Shut up." I say ruffling his spiked blood red hair."We can't all be gingers with perfect attendance now can we?" I stick my tongue out at him. "I blame the whole soulless aspect. You probably never sleep so you're always on time."

His bright green eyes narrow at me in mock anger and he adopts a fake southern accent and says, "Why Darlin', them are fightin' words."

I lightly punch his arm and laugh at his horrible impression as our teacher, Miss Arielli, walks into the room.

"How many times do I have to tell you two I am not above separating you?"

Casey and I sit straight in our seats very properly and look straight ahead. "None ma'am." we say together before dissolving into a fit of giggles. She shakes her head at us and looks down at her sheet, ignoring us like every day. I feel something small touch my leg and I look down and see a small box placed on my leg with a shiny purple bow. I look over at Casey who is looking a bit too interested in his drawing. Smiling, I put the gift in my back pack.


My shoulder slams roughly into the cold locker door and I hear a nasal laugh as the school slut, Nina, walks by. She smirks at me and flips her long brown hair over her shoulder, ignoring my best death glare I reserve just for the bitch.

So proud of her pathetic hair. I wonder how she'd feel if it got caught in a locker. I smirk dangerously at the thought, intrigued by the idea of her in pain. Then I hear a sharp scream. Snapping my head up my eyes widen when I see Nina bent backwards almost, her hair caught in a locker and her pulling futilely against it, her friends trying to help her.

Suddenly a sickening tearing noise comes from her scalp and extensions and some real hair hang limply from the locker door as Nina is on the ground sobbing. Everyone starts rushing to her to see if she's okay, leaving me the odd one out. Chills run down my spine and I feel horrified. There's no way I could have caused it right, I mean, it has to be a coincidence that I thought about it.

Hesitantly, I look around and my eyes lock with a set of cold and gleaming green eyes. For a moment I feel like I'm speared to the floor. Until I slowly recognize the face as Casey's or I think its him. It looks like him but the harshness of his features make him a familiar stranger to me. A group of security guards break our contact and when the hallway clears he's gone, shaking it off I've decided I'm just going insane, but the idea of Casey possessing such...hate... Unnerves me.


"Lisa. Hey Lisa." Casey Grabs my arm and shakes me roughly. I look over to him and feel like im emerging from a pool, out of breath and out of focus.

"What." I say as he tilts his head to the side, a piece of his hair falling across his left eye.

"We've been sitting in your driveway for, like, half an hour. Whats wrong?" He smiles at me, treating me as if I were an animal that he needed to treat with caution. He seems back to normal, but something still leaves me feeling uneasy.

I look around and find that we really are in my driveway and sigh, running a hand through my hair and lean back in my seat. "I didn't even notice." I mumble under my breath. I put my keys in my pocket and get out of my van and stretch, a cool breeze chilling the sweat that had suddenly accumulated on my neck.

"So, you guna tell me what's going on?" Casey asks, walking up next to me, a hand in his hoodie pocket and the other in his hair. I smile at him and jokingly punch his arm.

"What would be the fun in that Caz? Then I'd stop being a mystery and you'd no longer be interested." I wink and walk over to my front door.

"What!?" He practically squeals and blushes beat red.

I roll my eyes at him and laugh. "Geeze Caz, take a joke. I was picking on you." I pretend to be annoyed, but I know I can't. Casey is my best friend, and I'm like his sister. He's like the brother I never wanted. I know everything about him. From family life down to his little weird birthmark on the back of his neck that always looks almost like a mirage.

Shrugging he walks inside ahead of me, pulling his hair up into a goofy ponytail off his forehead. For a second, his birthmark seems to change, into a symbol i cant quite make out. Leaning in I try to get a better look and nearly trip over myself as he turns around pulling a face.

Bending down to look at my toppled form he smiles, "What were you doing?"

"Going in for a sneak attack. Now help me up." I grumble as he reaches out a hand. A knowing smile flashes across his face and he shrugs.

"Secrets aren't for best friends." He teases and walks up to my room.

"Who's the one keeping secrets I wonder." I mumble to myself and slowly follow him.

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