something scary

314 6 14

( Marshall pov )

The phone rings and scars the crap out of me.
I slowly get out of bed so not to wack up Curtis.
I slowly walking in to the dark knight.
I turn on the light and pick up the phone.
How would phone at this time of night.
O God I hope the guys are alright.
" yo " I say
" hello there dear brother I just wanted you to know that my wedding is on Sunday that 3 days a way if your still shit white math. That 1...2...3... days. Sunday ok" He said in a mocking tone.
"You are going to be there RIGHT? it's at wooden box hotel.
It's a gorges hotel. I know your like it. " Nathan said menacingly.
I couldn't talk.
" I'll take that as a yes . Remember to get there at 6:30 am.
If your lat I'll tell mum. " and with that he puts the phone down.
I sit on the sofa after putting on one of the lamps.
Shit I really don't want to go.
What if my mum's going to be there any way.
And I'm doing all of this for nothing.
It begins to rain heavy outside.
What if he's invited kim. I think I'd actually die on the spot.
I hug my knees to my chest. Fitting the erg to cry.
Why does my parts have to all was come back to me.
I cry to myself for a like an hour or two before turning of the light and go back up stars.
I carol in to bed next to Curtis.
I cuddle up to he's chest.
He wraps he's arms around me.
" did you just get back in to bed? " he asked sleepy.
I nod in to he's chest.
"Where did you go?"
" down stars" I said my voice thick with tears .
"You crying? Babe what's wrong?" He fully alert naw.
He sits up turning on the beside lamp.
He sits white he bake to the headboard.
He pulls me on to he's lap.
"Tell me what's wrong" he said stroking my check.
" Nathan phone... The wedding on Sunday... " I cry.
" we don't had to go if you don't want to" he said rubbing my check.
" yes I do he he" I sob looking a way from him.
" he what babe?...... Did he threaten you? " he asked bringing my chen up .
So I look start in to he's eyes.
"He said if I didn't go he'd tl-tt-tell mum where i live.
I-I can't risked her knowing where I am." I sod.
He pulls me in to he's chest.
" I hate myself why c-can't I just face h-her I'm so weak " I sod in to Curtis chest.
"Babe you can't hate yourself you amazing. And facing your mother is a big thing. And your default not weak. Babe you the strongest person I know. For you to serving what you went thro.
That takes some series willpower."
He pulled me a way from he's chest.
Holding my cheeks so I look in to he's eyes.
" you are strong and we will get over this together.ok"
I nod he leans in and kisses me.
I wrap my arms around him.
" you are my everything you know that. You all was find a way to help me. I love you so much" I say looking in to he's gorges brown eyes.
" and your my everything "
He sells are lip together again.

( There we go.
so the next character is probably going to be the wedding chapter so it probably going to tack me a tho days to writ.
It will all so probably be really long.
Maybe in two chapters but there be up at the same time.
Any way hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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