fills like the end

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(Curtis pov)
I stand in the poring rain.
I watch the rain fall on to my polished dress shoes I look in to the hole in the ground.
I look up to a head stone.
In loving memory of Marshall Martha's.
My hart falls in to my guts.
I look around seeing all of mine and Marshall friends.
Proof is standing next to me crying he's eyes out.
I fill my owe tires falling.
As a small coffin is slowly lowered in to the ground.
I fall to my knees crying realising that my hart my love my soul my everything. is all in that coffin. All in that one man I love.
The coffin falls and Marshall body falls in to the deep hole.
I fall in after him.
I land by Marshall small could  broken and lifeless body.
I pull him in to my arm's.
"Not leave me babe I need you" I cry.
"You let this happen to him" I look up to see proof say.
"You could of saved him" Dre yells
"I did know" I cry.
" you let him dye" swift yells
" I tried to help him" I cry holding Marshall dead body closer
"You left him whit he's mother and the man that rapeed him." Royce screams .
" I tried to save him" I cry.
" you let me die Curtis why would you do that. I though you loved me. Why didn't you save me why did you let her do this to me Curtis. " Marshall's dead body cry.
"NOOOOO" I scream " your still alive your still alive " I cry
Marshall's body starts to degrade in my arm.

I'm in a dark room I can't see a thing .
"Why did you let her keep me in a cage like a dog.
Why did you let him rape me why did you let them burn my
Legs. Why Curtis why did you let her hurt me I trusted you."
" babe I tried to save you I love you. " I cry
Marshall appears in front of me a small light shows he smiling face.
"Babe I love you i d-" I get cut of.
By Marshall's mother grabbing him by the wrist.
He screams.
I run to him But as I run it like a treadmill I run but go nowhere.
She drags him down the dark hall way slowly.
I can hear Marshall screaming for me.
"Nooooooooo" I sit up in mine and Marshall bedroom sweat and ties run down my face.
The sun peeps thro the blinds filling the room whit a orange glow.
He's not dead he fine.
I jump out of bed and run throw the house like a made man I get changed  grab my shoe and bag and run out of the house.
And head start to the hospital.

I didn't  what to leave Marshall last night but after what happened whit doctor Ellie the new doctor said I had to leave for a tho hours. I didn't even see him wack up after he's Sergey.
Denaun and proof said there stay whit him .And explain what happened and why I'm not there.
I pull up to the hospital and park the car. I speed walk to the front desk. My nightmare playing over and over again I'm my head.
" I'm here to see Mr Mathers. " I say
"Name" the elderly woman asks.
" Curtis Jackson" I say
" room 2482.  Second flour " she says pointing down the fall.
"Thanks" I say all ready walking down the hall I need to see him I need to see him naw.
I knock on the door before entering.
Marshall lays on the bed crying he's eyes out in to proof's chest.
"What happened is he alright " I ask starting to panic.
" He all right. He been having mood swings all night one minute he up then he's down and then he's angry and then he's crying.... It been a nightmare he hasn't gone to sleep all night.
He woke up after you left. And has been on a rollercoaster ever since. " Denaun whispers.
" why did they give him brain damage" I ask worried for Marshall.
"No it the pain killers he on there really strong. So he don't even know what going on there slowly tacking him of them."
"Oooo bade what are they doing to you" I say to my self.

( Hi everybody sorry for tacking so long.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
I will update gain soon.
Sorry if it was a little trippy.
Please comment and like.

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