the wedding.

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( Marshall pov )

" Marshall how is this?" My bother ask walking towards us .
" um I. ..... This This " Curtis cuts Me of form my trembling and stammering.
" I'm Curtis we meat the over day"
" O yes. But what are you doing at my wedding " he laughs.
" I'm Marshall plus one" Curtis said wrapping he's arms around my shoulders.
Nathan nod.
" you got something on you neck Marshall " my brother said looking at the hike Curtis left on my neck last night.
I thought no one could see them.
Nathan lathes as I blush a deep shad of red .
Nathan walk towards the table.
Me and Curtis follow him and sit down.
I sit next to my brother.
And he sits next to he's wife.
She's gorges .
Her and Nathan are cute together.
I look around the table. I not recognised most of them.
I recognises a tho of them as some of he's friends from high school.
Two seats remain empty. At the table we sit at.
I look at the over tables trying to distract my self from what's going on.
Curtis takes my hand in he's under the table.
I turn and look at him.
He smile at me.
I what to kiss him but I can fill Nathan's eyes on us.
So I just squeeze he's hand hoping he understand haw much him being by my side meant to me.
Nathan stands up taking he glass.
" can I have your attention for a tho moment. I want to start by thanking you all for being here to day to celebrate this magical day whit me and kate. "
He look around the room a big smile on he face.
That is mired by Kate's.
" I remember the day I meat kate that was the day I fell in love with her. " Kate smile brightly.
" she the most gorges woman I have ever see. Kate darling you complete me your the world to me and I love you. I wish this to be one of 1000 of happy days for us. I love you kate. " Nathan said kissing Kate after he's speech.
Ever one claps.
Kate stands up in her light pick dress.
She's not wearing here weekend dress yet because Nathan is not allowed to see her in it.
She tucks a piece of  here hair behind her ear and then starts her speech. " Nathan I know we have had are ups and downs. Just like ever couple. But we have stayed by each over sid for 4 years.
And there is no one that I'd rather spend my life with "
They kiss and everyone claps again.
People start being out the food.
The waters run around like headless chickens. 🐓
I close my eyes trying to cram my self.
" Marshall you all right darling" Kate asks me I nod.
" I don't think we have meat I'd like to get to know you better " she smile at me gently.
I nod in reply not sour if I can talk.
She go's back to eating her breakfast.
" you shore your all right babe? " Curtis whispers to me.
I lean in just so my shoulder touch he's arm. Wishing he could just hold me.
He squeezes my hand gently.
I start trying to eat my breakfast.
I only get the bacon and eggs down. Before I fill like I'm going to vomit all over the place.
" mother" Nathan calls time stops my breath gets court in my throat. As I look up I see my mother walking towards the table we are sitting at.
But if it couldn't get any worse a tall man walks behind her.
And I instantly recognises him as the man that raped me when I was only 7 years old.
I think I'm dying as the tall man know as dev smile at me.
I stand up on my shaky legs and run. Run out of the dining room and out of the hotel I run in to the car park my legs give out before I can get to the car. not like I had the keys or was going to leave Curtis hear. I just need to get a way. I puck up breakfast all over the flour.
I can hear Curtis call my name.
I hide in the corner of the car park trying to stay cram.
My vision go's blurry I can't breath.
Everything go's back.

I open my eyes slowly.
"Curtis" I call sitting up in are hotel room.
" your a wack " Curtis said heading out of the bathroom he sits on the bed.
I hug him. "Please tell me we can go home naw" it was still light out.
" unfortunately not babe. You wear only out for an hour..... "
He pulls me on to he's lap.
I kiss him.
" I'm sorry. " sob for a change.
"Babe it all right it all right your going to be ok... We're going to be ok" he said rubbing my back.
"It not going to be ok there here and their going to hurt us" I sob.
I stand up " we got to get out of here. "
The window is the way out I run towards it.
Curtis grabs me before I can get thro the window.
" stop stop running listen to me we are going to all right ok? "
Curtis said in a gentle voice.
"NO WE ARE NOT SHE HERE I KNOW SHE IS. " I scream panic fills my body as I twist in Curtis arms.
" listen to me" he's said.
" NO. WE HAVE TO GET OUT THERE KILL ME. SHE'S IN THE ROOM. SHE'S IN THE ROOM. WE GOT TO GET OUT"  I scream at the top of my lungs. Why won't he listen to me.
" SHE'S NOT IN HERE RELAX I GOT YOU" Curtis yells over my relentless screams.
There's a knock at the door.
I hold on to him trying to hold him back.
My legs give out and I fall to the flour. Sobbing.
Curtis go's to the door and opens it. I stop screaming to afraid to even move.

( Curtis pov )
I open the door to a tall man with big mussels bark skin and a afro.
" man look I'm sorry about the n" i start but the man cuts me of.
He pushes parts me and crouched next to Marshall.
" you all right " the man asks Marshall.
Marshall look like a scared puppy.
He big eyes tiers streaming down he's face.
And that when I realised that this man fort I was beating Marshall.
"Look man I know what your thinking but I would nether hit him" I say the man ignores me.
He touches Marshall arm and Marshall jumps up and runs in to my arms.
The man stands up.
" why was he screaming" the man asks looking at Marshall as I pic him up like a small child.
" he... he mum's here" Marshall wipers in to my should.
" he had a hard childhood " I say rubbing Marshall's back.
" Sorry I I fort you wear beating him. Sorry I didn't mean to just brag in. "
" it all call it nice to know that there are people that actually give a shit. "
" I got to go sorry a gen man. "
" like I said it all call "
The man looks at me and smile as he leaves.
I close the door behind him. I sit on the bed. Marshall on my lap.
"Listen to me I know your scared but she's not going to hurt you I promise....... Look where go to the wedding ceremony and then I'll put the bags in the car and after like a hour at the after party I'll get us a way from here. I promise we won't spend another night in the hotel.... I just need you to be strong for a tho hours ok"  I ask he nods.
" you promise " he whispers.
" I promise " I kiss him deeply before.
Getting ready for the wedding ceremony.

( Hi everybody hope you enjoyed this chapter I know it took for ever but finely a new chapter.
This is my longest chapter ever. ( well in this story😃)
I'd like to thank you all for reading.
3k reads is amazing thank you so much 🙏
I really appropriate🙏
I will try and update a gen soon.
But if you need something to read in the meantime go read SerenaSahara story it amazing.😻
And deftly worth the read.
So go show some love for their story.
Thanks you again for 3k reads 😘
And I will try and update a gen soon😘)

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